About Adengage.com

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New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Hey Guys,

I was trying to run some offers thru adwords, yahoo and msn. But I was not able to run them beacsue the type of offer I wanted to advertise is not allowed in their advertising programs..... It was a gambling offer.

Im having a hard time triyng to market this gambling offer. And Im sure it will convert very well and I could make some bank with it.

Si I was thinking on triyng to run the offer on some sites on the Adengage.com network.

Does anyone has a good experince with them? Would you recommend them? Or just avoid them?

Thank you as always :)

as far as i know adengage is shitty traffic..lost some dough there a year back or so..
Cloaking is your answer on the search side of thing. Using a PHP script you can easily move your clicks to a more friendly site and then change the link after the ad is approved to your offer. Try that first, cloaking is an easy way get what you want.

I'm not saying it will go well, just saying. Tooooo easy.
Hey Guys,

I was trying to run some offers thru adwords, yahoo and msn. But I was not able to run them beacsue the type of offer I wanted to advertise is not allowed in their advertising programs..... It was a gambling offer.

Im having a hard time triyng to market this gambling offer. And Im sure it will convert very well and I could make some bank with it.

Si I was thinking on triyng to run the offer on some sites on the Adengage.com network.

Does anyone has a good experince with them? Would you recommend them? Or just avoid them?

Thank you as always :)

If you do want to try out adengage I would recommend choosing individual sites to advertise on and not on the network or you will surely lose money. Check out what countries the traffic is coming from on the adengage description page because a lot of their sites get 70%+ chinese traffic.
If you do want to try out adengage I would recommend choosing individual sites to advertise on and not on the network or you will surely lose money. Check out what countries the traffic is coming from on the adengage description page because a lot of their sites get 70%+ chinese traffic.

What he said. Do not buy the network traffic, buy from individual sites that have a decent CPC and high traffic from your desired country.
wow so I guess I should avoid them!!

Rage9, that sounds like a good idea. at leats im going to try it, maybe it will work :)

thank you everybody for your input.
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