A2P Site question - good idea/bad idea


New member
May 28, 2009
I managed to find a local niche in a small metro area (150,000 people) that is VERY easy to rank for. Hell, I haven't even gotten around to finishing the site yet and I'm #11 in Google.

Spot #1 has 4 - FOUR! - backlinks.

Presumably I am going to knock them off the top spot. While I am sleeping. One Amit special should about do it....I think I'd be #1 right now but the site only has one page (no disclaimer, about, etc).

Yet the number of searches/month probably doesn't bode well for this site as an A2P site - I just registered the domain one night along with a few others when I thought the niche was good in general. For this metro area - it's not.

So - here is the question - assuming I can get to number one and piss off all the locals - would it be advisable to put a "This Domain is for sale!" link somewhere obvious with a ridiculous price and then follow up with the local businesses in that niche to see if they want to buy it?

It isn't worth that much to me - but it might be to them....

I managed to find a local niche in a small metro area (150,000 people) that is VERY easy to rank for. Hell, I haven't even gotten around to finishing the site yet and I'm #11 in Google.

Spot #1 has 4 - FOUR! - backlinks.

Presumably I am going to knock them off the top spot. While I am sleeping. One Amit special should about do it....I think I'd be #1 right now but the site only has one page (no disclaimer, about, etc).

Yet the number of searches/month probably doesn't bode well for this site as an A2P site - I just registered the domain one night along with a few others when I thought the niche was good in general. For this metro area - it's not.

So - here is the question - assuming I can get to number one and piss off all the locals - would it be advisable to put a "This Domain is for sale!" link somewhere obvious with a ridiculous price and then follow up with the local businesses in that niche to see if they want to buy it?

It isn't worth that much to me - but it might be to them....

Is there a local business that this site would be valuable for? If so, get to the top then offer to lease them the spot for a few hundred a month. Switch over all the content for them, feature their company all over it, but maintain ownership. That way, you keep the site, get easy recurring income, and if they stop paying you can boot them and get another client.

Rinse and repeat if it's that good of a niche.
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A2P is Radio's Auction2Post plugin for WordPress.

Shark, why not build it up a bit and sell a turnkey site to a local business, rather than just the domain. Get some traffic to it, tell them you'll customize it for them (name change, few photos, etc.) and command a higher price.
Shark, why not build it up a bit and sell a turnkey site to a local business, rather than just the domain. Get some traffic to it, tell them you'll customize it for them (name change, few photos, etc.) and command a higher price.

The longer I'm in this game, the more logical these things sound.
Is there a local business that this site would be valuable for? If so, get to the top then offer to lease them the spot for a few hundred a month. Switch over all the content for them, feature their company all over it, but maintain ownership. That way, you keep the site, get easy recurring income, and if they stop paying you can boot them and get another client.

Rinse and repeat if it's that good of a niche.

This ^^^

And if it is really easy to rank why stop at just the top spot. Buy a few variations of the domain name then take the front page of google over. Once you've done this go talk to the local businesses, your negotiating position will be a hell of a lot stronger since visibility of their site in the SERPs will be next to nothing.
Okay, good ideas all around. You got my gears turning - I love you guys for that.

The top spots in the SERPS are going to be easy to take over. However, the Google local searches will still appear at the top with the map, etc.

My personal opinion is that people don't care about the location unless they are looking for food or clothing. If you are an appliance dealer for example (not my niche, but you get the idea) or any other business where people are outlaying a lot of cash to buy your product - they will drive to you.