A Viral Marketing Strategy

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New member
Mar 11, 2008
Basically what I’m going to share is a pretty damn simple idea. What we are going to be doing is making an online petition site. Anyway ill cut the bullshit (university taught me well) and get on to what we will actually be doing.

The biggest part of the site will be picking something that lots of people are truly passionate about. For example my most recent site like this is a petition for the Montreal Canadiens (hockey team) to sign Mats Sundin. The reason I picked this was because in Montreal… well we are CRAZY about hockey.

Once you pick your topic you will want to make a simple one page site that allows people to leave comments and join the petition. To save time all I did was customize a wordpress theme. You can download the customized theme that I use here. To use it simply install the theme like you do for any other theme and then go to settings link in wordpress admin area and make sure you change the home page to be a static page instead of posts. Once you got the site ready you are going to want to download the share this plugin. This will help you get even more viral traffic.

To give you an idea of what I’m talking about here is the site mentioned above: Want Matt Sundin on The Habs? » Help Sign Sundin!

Now that the site is ready for some traffic we got to get the ball rolling. Comment on the most popular forums and blogs in the niche. In my experiences forums work best and people do not take the link spamming as “spam” because they think I’m trying to help make a petition for something they love, when really I just want to profit off of them. Another way to get traffic is to join all the Facebook groups on the particular topic and post your link on the wall. I’m sure you can think of some more ways but those are just some basic ones to get you started. If you hit a hot topic you will get some nice viral traffic quite quickly.

Now How Do We Monetize The Site?
Wait until the site gets lots of return visitors. You will be surprised how many people come back to see how well the petition is doing. Once you have a bunch of return visitors per day (the more the better) be a bastard and change the page to say something like:

“Thanks For Participating in the petition, We have reached our goal of XXXX comments. To congratulate you our sponsors want to offer you a product (some affiliate offer, email and zip submits work best).
Some niches you choose may end up to be total flops and never spread that well. If this is the case just though up some adsense and affiliate offers onto the page and try to make some money off of the visitors that trickle in everyday.

Whenever they comment, how about you harvest there email addresses, create a small list, and do some marketing that way? Just a thought... But thanks for the idea man, I'm going to definitely try this out.
Don't you feel like a faggot signing petitions though?

Lol, All kidding a side, this is a pretty good idea.
Nice idea. It's a good spin on the old "poll" type sites. Thanks for sharing your theme.

I love doing stuff like this.

Do you ever just sit and cackle when you read the comments that these jackoffs leave? They're so passionate. Your soul, of course, becomes an ever-deepening void with each passing second as you wait to profit off of them.

Totally irrelevant to the overall point of this thread but...

fuck you for trying to steal Sundin.
You're going to have to keep dreaming up new issues to have for the petitions just like we do with marketing polls, high maintenance efforts but hopefully you'll get some good viral marketing from passionate users.

Nice post, +rep added.
Great idea neil!

How about putting some offers on the thankyou page after people comment?

I've seen an offer at CopeAc, for free hockey jerseys.
You could try put some small banner.

If you do that, it would be nice to hear about the progress.

:rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta:
Great idea; reputation points added for you! :)
Time to start searching for controversial topics.
this is a great idea. You just have to keep the page ad free at the beginning so it doesnt look suspicious.
good Idea. Like the email harvesting too.

elime has a good brain.

I change the wordpress script so that it does not check for an email because I noticed that when an email is required comments came in much slower.

I would say about 30%-40% of people give an email.
Do you ever just sit and cackle when you read the comments that these jackoffs leave? They're so passionate. Your soul, of course, becomes an ever-deepening void with each passing second as you wait to profit off of them.


I crack up more when people bad mouth me on the forum and say stuff like "this is so stupid, do you guys actually think your petition will make a difference?"

My favorite one I have seen so far is "humans are so stupid", I can't agree more with him haha
hey dipshit - did you really need to come back over an hour later to leave a double post just to all of us at WF could be privileged enough to see your shitty viagra spam link?
I like this idea, particularly because in some niche communities EVERYTHING'S an issue...

Rep +1up :bowdown:

You're going to have to keep dreaming up new issues to have for the petitions just like we do with marketing polls, high maintenance efforts but hopefully you'll get some good viral marketing from passionate users.

Nice post, +rep added.
Keep an eye on the opinion section of the newspaper, or any forum that nerds frequent...
Bette yet, just keep an eye on people like Uwe Boll or Jack Thompson - Problem Solved!
Interesting idea. Question though.... You said 30-40% leave a comment with an email submit. So, do you think this is lower then say the repeat people coming back to check on the status of the poll? I'd guess you'd have less then 30% coming back to check on the poll.... just guessing.

I do agree that having some sort of 'related product email/zip submit' after the thank you page could be profitable.
I know you are there just to make money off the petition, but do you submit the petition and follow-through with that end? I'm thinking it's an interesting idea, but I'd hardly want to be attached to the causes that so many people are freaky about.
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