A question to the Wp gurus

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New member
Mar 28, 2007
I've started using Wp sticky plugin to manage a static post. Well the complication is that the static post only sticks to the front page and I need it to be displayed on every page. Is there any chance to do it? My goal is to keep adsense or ebay adds in the middle part of the 3 column blog. Any suggestions?!

It sounds like you want to put it on the single.php file. Look that up. Maybe before or after the "loop" (content).

If you want it in the sidebar you can edit the sidbar and put it up there with a text widget or an adsense plugin.
Check out a couple plug ins....

post post and alinks

I know post post lets you add something in front or behind every post and I think alinks does the same along with some nifty linking stuff.
I don't know how many files there is with that plugin but somewhere in the code it'll say something like this if(is_home) { //Some Code Here} if you remove the two {} and the if(is_home) part of the code then it will display on every single page and not just your homepage.
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