A marketing site run by the whole forum

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Fair to Middlin'
Jun 26, 2006
Ok - I think this would be unbelievably cool, instructive, and useful for all the people here.

The idea is that the whole forum has a say in creating some site designed to make money. It could be arbitrage, niche, affiliate marketing, whatever people decide. Then everybody decides how to design the site, where to put the ads, write all of the content, create any graphics, etc. People work on ads, decide where and how to advertise, decide how to do SEO (if appropriate), and all that stuff.

Any money that the site makes could be rolled back into Wickedfire and used for giveaways and contest prizes and such.

I think it would be really helpful for a lot of people to actually see a site go through the design process, and I think if it works, it would get a *ton* of exposure for Wickedfire.

I like the idea of watching a site go through the design process. It would be helpful for us noobs. Those with experience will probably learn something, too!

I think a forum wide effort would be trouble and time consuming. Maybe a small group with actual experience doing it right would be more helpful to watch.
John - I was thinking more along the lines of just setting up a thread, getting ideas, and then setting up a vote. Whatever people vote for, do it. I agree - it would take up some extra time, but I think a lot of people here would really appreciate it. I'm not saying you (or anybody in particular) should do it - just an idea I'd like to see happen.

I'd do it myself, but I don't have the money to fund the advertising for it, and I really can't afford to take any loss on it if it doesn't pan out.
I think this would be an excellent idea and this is how I would recommend proceeding:

1) Place this in the premium section.
2) Make it an actual webpage/blog entry where each day or week, a few more steps are completed. Include screen shots.
3) For Have a moderator start a thread about each week's steps so WF members can ask further questions. Or perhaps schedule a live chat weekly to discuss the process for that week.

I love the idea, but from the WF point of view, it would only make sense to offer this as a premium member. And for my idea, do I get a free membership? :338:
It's a great idea for a learning tool, but I personally will not be able to run it just because I don't have that type of time on my hands. If someone wants to volunteer their time for it, and run it under the WF brand, then I'd be up to discuss it.
I like the idea, but I think it would be hard to pull off. What if we setup a newbie challenge thread? (There was one on DP that lasted a long time) We could all start at the same time and share what works, what doesn't and motivate each other to get off our asses and do it. Just a thought.
I like an idea of a challenge or competition also. Everyone gets paired with someone else,, pays say 9.00 per person. Each site must be made with a new domain bought with the 9.00 ,,, the other 9.00 may be used at the teams sole discretion.

Have a timeline say in 30 days who's site has made the most cash. Everyone reports their stats weekly,, the winner after 30 days gets 10% of all competitors earnings for the month.

I could go on and on,, but i think if the teams all keep notes on what they are doing, then publish them in a thread on the forum people would get a good idea of the do's and dont's of how to get a site going and generating cash fast.

There would have to be some rules though to ensure noone was using their higher PR sites to get cash generating quicker. If you can get a link for 9$ then go for it.

Just a thought!!!
Seems complicated. Especially tracking how much money each person is spending/making and pooling the money together.

I think one person should just step up and start a thread saying "WF Site Experiment" and do everything based on poll. I'd be happy to start this myself and post the results to a website. I think actually going through the steps myself would be of big assistance.

If anyone is for this... let me know and we'll see.
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