A little domain buying tip

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New member
Jul 14, 2007
for those of you who invest in domains (im talking buying domains and actually creating something useful on them) here is a way ive been using for the past 1/2 year in finding cheap but GOOD domains (And buying them)

"Make an offer today, the domain is yours tomorrow" - Google Search

you can add other shit to the query like "movies" or "ringtones", get me?

just helping instead of you guys trying to find gems in these worseless $5 domains people try to sell.


and ive got some gems for around $1k, some still undeveloped or in the process of developing. but 2 of my main ones i paid around 1.5k for and have made the amount back in a month and going to resell in a year (would be worth 50-100k).. thats just one thing ive been fucking with. im still waiting for a gem to popup that i can seriously fuck with and put alot of energies into it, im talking a resell value of $1m, it'll happen but im not saying that shit is easy

oh btw, the revenue i made on these domains can be done on any domain but a suitable domain just yields more selling power from what ive seen. and also have other people do the sites for you, shit is wack if you do it yourself

anyways hope you find some good shit :rasta:

btw i aint saying you just gonna have a domain and become rich ya know in a next day. shit aint gonna happen to you dp newbs reading this.

you gotta make it work. and fuck you dont put wordpress on it that aint reall shit!

i mean i already found some hot domains that can be worked nicely;

[SIZE=-1]www.creditcardanswers.com - > huge FAQ website on credit cards, and of course monetize that mothefucker with aff offers

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]www.cruisetourvacations.com - > great domain for selling cruises. what you do here is create a page for every country that you can take a cruise tour to and have 'reviews' and pricing from every cruise company that goes there on that page. seperate every country like cruisetourvacations.com/andorra etc

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]jewishsinglesnewyork.com - > setup a site and have sexy jewish ladies on it and give the page to Jon and watch the $$ roll in
findyourcollege.com -> build a site with minisites for every college in USA. monetize with scholarship leads, student loan leads, student credit cards, student bank accounts, college leads itself so much you can do here.

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]www.hotelssite.com - >. might buy self this one hot shit, you know it.

you arent going to rank for hotels but you can definitly rank for "find a hotel in $state" or "hotel $state"

anyways these descriptions might be vague but i just get a domain and get my team to work on it and i tweak whatever i need in terms of SEO, PPC, design. thats what you should do. if you do everything yourself you'll fail. mostly.

also some of you might be like oh mayn these gonna be hard to rank for. trust me its not if you buy the right links

P.S. this is just a guide for lurking newbs im sure
so how many of the domains that show up pon the google search do you actually own? All of them? What's yer price fro the lot?
I like findyourcollege.com, but the minimum bid is $375.00.. a little high i think

Iv tried to make money of park stuff, real waste of time

think there is a huge monopoly and Icann are all mobsters ..

See the way i see it if you dont have a reg company . with a

batchpoolconection you get crap.. and yes you can buy a name for 1k/5k

hope to see some money back in like 5 years .. but really u looking at

best 50cent to 4 bucks max. (If that)

Every one says there is a way .. but i have not seen it at all .. trust me

I know a few tricks .. but unless you have 5/10 millon to play this

game .. not worth it at all..

my thoughts ..
So all of these domains are owned by the same company.

Are you suggesting that this is a seller who is dramatically undervalues their 43000 strong domain portfolio and sells $100k domains for $1.5k?

About the revenue - did your acquisitions generate their revenue through type-in traffic?

Like Webferret, I'm just a little skeptical given that all of those domains belong to the same company and you didn't state that in your post. It seems that if your tip was "here is a gullible seller" you would have said exactly that. But you didn't. In fact, all of these gems you have supposedly been buying you have bought from the same person?

Sorry if my suspicion is misplaced but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. :)
So all of these domains are owned by the same company.

Are you suggesting that this is a seller who is dramatically undervalues their 43000 strong domain portfolio and sells $100k domains for $1.5k?

About the revenue - did your acquisitions generate their revenue through type-in traffic?

Like Webferret, I'm just a little skeptical given that all of those domains belong to the same company and you didn't state that in your post. It seems that if your tip was "here is a gullible seller" you would have said exactly that. But you didn't. In fact, all of these gems you have supposedly been buying you have bought from the same person?

Sorry if my suspicion is misplaced but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. :)

A quick look at the whois explains that they are owned by the same company.
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