A few questions about making money.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Basically I'd like to get information on how people get payed.

Do you need to have a social security number to work in this business?
Or do you need a worker's permit for that if you're not American?
If you are an international student can you still make money through IM?
Will you have to pay taxes?

I'm trying to find this basic info. I don't have a SSN and that's why I'm curious if its still possible to make money.
I've read a few posts by people not from the U.S. and I'm trying to find out whether I can start making money without a worker's permit and all that.
Do you need to have a social security number to work in this business?

No. But some American affiliate networks will make you fill out a document that declares you are not resident in the United States.

Or do you need a worker's permit for that if you're not American?

If you don't live in the US then you don't need a US work permit. You collect the money in your home country (or country of legal residence) and it is counted as income there.

If you are an international student can you still make money through IM?

I'm sure you can. But that doesn't mean you can legally work and get paid in the country where you study. If you are an international student in the US, maybe you are not allowed to work and get paid there so you could work and have the checks sent to your home country where you can legally work.

Will you have to pay taxes?

Of course. The issue is where to pay taxes. If you live in your home country, then you pay taxes there. If you live in another country and have legal residence and a work permit there, then you can pay taxes there.I'm not from Japan but I'm a legal resident and I have a work visa here so I pay taxes on my IM income in Japan.Hope that helps. If anyone has anything to add or clarify please do so.
Thanks a lot! This is really helpful.
Technically I am not allowed to work legally in the U.S. (unless for college and only up to 20hrs/week)
So I'm thinking of working here and getting my checks in my home country, but I need to research on that.
If anyone knows more about that, please share the info!
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

You cannot work here for more than the allowed hours.

You can start a company anywhere, including here. You can be a passive investor in that company, and can hold 100% ownership. But someone else will have to work for the company. You will have to pay them minimum wages.

Now, if your friend/relative has a company, you can outsource 100% of the activities of your company to his company, and sign a corp to corp agreement. In this case, minimum wages do not apply, since you are contracting them to do 100% of the operations.
So, in other words I can be an owner of a company here in the US, without having a green card or worker's permit. The company would work for me. But I cant work for myself. Is that right?

interesting stuff. Thnx
to make money online you need to be 18 years old have some money to invest in information you need to STRIVE everyday to learn the marketing game, It doesn't happen over night but it can be done, I made over 400 in 1 night from a campaign, but it took me alot time to get to do it right, so dedicate yourself to learning, then ACT on what you learned or you will just be another smart person that knows how to make money but didn't yet lol

work hard, keep determind, and make a plan follow it to you dreams man and you can be awesome.
Perhaps I Can Contribute

Adriasity - Brad here - I recognize your situation. Not too long ago - a few months - I was at the same point you apparently are now. Oh and BTW I am a lot older than 20. In my opinion questions deserve respectful answers - never know when we will need the favor returned.

At any rate. Clickbank and Commission Juncition et al all require some form of tax reporting number. You can use your social security number - BUT I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU DON'T !

Instead, in the US anyway, get a federal employer identification number - it is a tax number. You can either use a corporation - sounds too soon for you. So you could use a sole proprietorship - that means your earnings in the business name are applied thru your personal income. I am not a tax attorney or accountant so if you are uncomfortable with the details - find someone who will give a newbie advice. You may find a friend at Church or in your neighborhood that works as an accountant or attorney and willing to give you a few pointers.

Anyway, get that FEIN and use it for tax reporting. If it gets compromised on the net - at least it is just the FEIN and not your personal social security number.

I wish you luck and hope you stick with it. If you have time click thru to my blog and check it out. Don't purchase - just get the free stuff and check it out.

The two programs Chris Farrell Membership and Blog Mastermind have filled in a lot of blanks for me. Neither is a get rich quick program. They both invest in training and quality products.

If you are uncomfortable clicking thru to my site - google their names. You will find a site with their free materials. I think so much of them - I am positive they will be useful to anyone who is starting out.

Best of luck and God speed - Cheers!
One More Point

Adriastiy - Brad again - one more point. You can get the FEIN from the IRS website. They will have all the details and information on how to get the number and register.

I got mine in about five minutes. I made a PDF of their notice of number assignment and keep it right on my desk top. Each program that requires tax info I use the FEIN - works like a champ.

Best of luck. Don't forget my site rmsinternetmarketing dot com.