A few general questions for a Newbie

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New member
Nov 18, 2006
1. Do most people here or affiliate marketers throw up a few page site, advertise it on PPC and hope to make more through adwords or other ppc programs? Or do people build a bigger site, offer them free things and hope to have them fill out some forms or submit their email addresses?

2. What is the best popular/successful type of affiliate programs: PPC, PPA, PPP?

3. Do you just pick any product to start with, one that pays the most, one that is popular now and then build the site or ...?

All help is appreciated.

Thank You

I don't know what you're expecting from anyone here with that post. There's success stories for every method you've posted, and thousands of other ways. Try something and if it doesn't work out, ask for advice.

I've found people on WF are nice if you've shown them that you put some work in to try something and and it failed, they will help you try more things or more importantly, offer a different perspective of what it might be that's not working.
Yes I have probably been a member for a while. Im also a member at most of the other forums including dnforum, etc... but thinking about getting into affiliate marketing and I believe this is where the focus of this forum is. I just want to know what are all the different types of ways it can be done (Arbitrage, something else). Not looking for any secrets, just general information
Yes I have probably been a member for a while. Im also a member at most of the other forums including dnforum, etc... but thinking about getting into affiliate marketing and I believe this is where the focus of this forum is. I just want to know what are all the different types of ways it can be done (Arbitrage, something else). Not looking for any secrets, just general information

Ok, This is the deal.

Remember in kindergarten when they said that no question is stupid?

They lied..

You asked stupid questions.

You obviously read nothing in the forum. Every question you asked has been asked a million times arlready.

There are many great threads with guidance for newbies.

Take some time, read the old posts on the site, use the search button, check out the stickies, then ask an intelligent question.

You will get plenty of people helping you if you do it that way.

But i'll answer your questions any way...

Here's the secret...

There is none. . Pick something, test it out and see what works.
You can make money doing alots of things if you focus and work at it.
When you find something that works, scale up and rude it out as long as you can.

There ya go..
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best advice anyone can give you is JUST FUCKING DO SOMETHING

Don't spend months(or years in your case) reading forums and blogs, just read up on the basics and try something.

No one is going to give you the secret to make money online, you just have to try it and see what works.
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