A Few Campaign Specific Questions

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New member
May 7, 2009
First post here asking for advice. I've spent some time over the past week reading up on PPC as I seem to be a complete failure at article marketing, and dispite SEO attempts most of my pages hover between pages 2 - 3. I think the niche I was using was shit to begin with though. Anyways, I'm about to get to work on starting my first PPC campain, since it is always best to just do it and not read all fucking day. So here's my questions:

1. In my niche there are several low estimate CPC keywords, I found a ton that are $0.05. For these, what should I initially set my maximum bid at until I get a QS?

2. Most of my keywords are product targeted (i.e. "Iams Pet Food", "Pet Food by Iams") are these good KWs for conversion given that my landing page is good?

3. This is kind of expanding on question one. With average estimated CPC on all my KWs being $0.05 what would be a good daily budget to put on the project for say... 30-45 keywords? I don't really have a ton of money to start with but I'll be scaling and expanding as ROI becomes positive.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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