A couple of keyword questions


New member
May 14, 2008
I'm about to set up a blog/site for a CPA offer and I am trying to get passed the keyword research phase so here is where my confusion lies.

1) How many keywords should I use?

I'm getting into a "guy gets girl" type niche there are hundreds of keywords that I could use. Should I only pick like ten keywords and use them in every blogpost? Or make different blogpost that will eventually cover all of the hundreds of keywords?

2) When keyword researching, I understand that I should target low comp high search volume keywords. Can someone explain the step in locating such keywords.

What I'm struggling with is distinguishing the difference between putting search terms in quotes vs non quotes, allintitle, allinurl etc... Can some clarify this for me and explain what should I focus on.

Hopefully this isn't too much to ask. I so call myself doing keyword research right now but I feel as I'm doing it blindly. I know that you have to take action but taking the wrong kind of action leads to failure with no chance of improvement.


its entirely up to you! Use something like spyfu.com to get an idea of each keywords daily search volume, click cost and daily click action.

Dont over-think stuff, just get started. Choose X amount of keywords that you can afford and add or remove to them over time. There is no exact science to this. Keep your max bids low, set a clear daily budget and watch. Your confidence will grow even with little steps.

Google is your friend, or if you want a book this one is generally highly regarded;
Ultimate Guide to Google Ad Words by Perry Marshall
If you really want to get the best bang for your buck, use
one keyword per page, and use LSI keywords to make
your article more 3 dimensional.

I would build a network of Blogspot and WordPress blogs
(and other free resources too), so if one gets slapped
about a little, you have others quietly working away for
you. You can then randomly link between them to help
build them up.

Using quotes when you search will find pages that contain
the phrase exactly. If you don't use the quotes, the SE's
return SERPS of sites that contains any of the words
anywhere on the page, and not necessarily in the order
you typed them in.


If you really want to get the best bang for your buck, use
one keyword per page, and use LSI keywords to make
your article more 3 dimensional.

I would build a network of Blogspot and WordPress blogs
(and other free resources too), so if one gets slapped
about a little, you have others quietly working away for
you. You can then randomly link between them to help
build them up.

Using quotes when you search will find pages that contain
the phrase exactly. If you don't use the quotes, the SE's
return SERPS of sites that contains any of the words
anywhere on the page, and not necessarily in the order
you typed them in.



Thank you for this Automation.

Here's something that I need clarified. When doing keyword research in order to find low comp high vol. keywords, should I put the phrases in quotes and focus on those numbers or should I leave them out of qoutes and focus on those numbers? Hopefully that makes sense what I'm asking.