A continuation of "She pooped" thread...


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
So something odd just happened I felt compelled to address to my wickedfire community. I remember reading this thread a while back (here) which talked about someone's girlfriend taking a shit. Anyhow, this girl has been staying with me for about a week...

On 10/2/12 I was drunk as shit (posted this) and well anyway, with all this aside - I took the day off and I'm at my home office. I'm like fuck, I need to go to the store because I need paper that I just so happened to run out of. This being said, I needed to shave (this is tits btw).

I went into my bathroom in my room, and noticed something was "off". It smelt like a mixture of both (a) The air freshener I had in my cabinet and (b) horrible ass. I immediately squint, and had this expression and got out as fast as I could....


In summation; I'm here posting to the community wanting to know "how to react to this". What the fuck do I do? Why did this happen? ? I was always told girls never pooped but I'm sure this went down just moments ago... Should I send her this thread on facebook? Should I confront? Should I tell her to gtfo? My mind is officially blown at this point....

I don't know what to do and I'm at a loss of words...

Tell her to eat a bottle of imodium if she's staying for an extended period of time or to just warn you next time before you walk into it. I'm sure you can afford more than 1 bathroom, correct?

I take it this is the first time you've had a female stick around for more than a day or two if your asking for advice on a chick's dump?

If she's black, don't say anything unless you want punched in the face.
If she's black, don't say anything unless you want punched in the face.

Here's my answer: If she can put up with your supremacist ways and she accepts you for the deeply disturbed & violent drunken nazi that you truly are, then she's a one-in-a-billion-keeper and should not be tossed out over something as common as bodily functions.

So just make sure you show her how you really roll... She'll likely bolt soon and you won't have to throw her out. :thumbsup:
Tell her to eat a bottle of imodium if she's staying for an extended period of time or to just warn you next time before you walk into it. I'm sure you can afford more than 1 bathroom, correct?

I take it this is the first time you've had a female stick around for more than a day or two if your asking for advice on a chick's dump?

If she's black, don't say anything unless you want punched in the face.

I have no problem getting the ladies however, this one has been hangin out a bit more. I'm merely asking advice based on the fact that she pooped in my master bathroom....

If she's not hot enough that you find her stinky poops a non-issue, then you need to kick her the fuck out.

She's hot as shit, but I just never knew girls pooped.


Here's my answer: If she can put up with your supremacist ways and she accepts you for the deeply disturbed & violent drunken nazi that you truly are, then she's a one-in-a-billion-keeper and should not be tossed out over something as common as bodily functions.

So just make sure you show her how you really roll... She'll likely bolt soon and you won't have to throw her out. :thumbsup:

meeeeeeeeeh.... pooped
Not enough gifs of girls pooping in this thread.

The bitch just took a narly shit and sprayed perfume in the house. It drifted down the hallway and now it smells like a mixture of juicy perfume + Ass.


This should be a crime punishable by like 10 days in jail. Any thoughts? So nar...
Teach her how to flush while it drops, my bishes always respect my throne (or are mortified to be caught slippin' like your bish). Hang an instructive gif across from the throne to help. I thought all chicks do this.

I feel for you don't let her overpower your territory with fem stench - good luck bro.
Ok, so here's what you have to do.
Wait until she's asleep, then lube up lots of small glass marbles and shove as many as you can up her ass.