A bit of help needed

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New member
Mar 27, 2008
Im gonna try and make this sweet and short;

Basically been working on a script that auto finds blogs with 'do-follow' enabled and adds them to a custom google SE;

Unfortunately due to my lack of skills :( It cannot save the urls in a hard copy (.txt). But that is neither here or there.

What I need help with is for a few people to go here http://search.thenexus.tk and search one or two terms and pick a random link and see if it is do-follow.

If the majority I find is then success for my first true script if not ...back to reading php books then!

Thanks in advance for your help and I apologise for the lack of colour on the page :p

I get the feeling you markov'ed your own post.

Anyway, I'd be curious to know how you figure out which blogs are autoblogs?
markov'ed? ---gonna have to google the meaning of that :p

Unfortunately I don't have a way at the moment to identify splogs and the such. The first step of the plan was to get the script to find do-follow blogs on its own and add it to the SE.

Further on I will try and weed out undesirables etc, but that requires a bit more knowledge in xml and php, which i'm working on now.
@acemenace; cool I didnt know that existed :D but all i'm after is a bit of help; the script has churned out 1.3k blogs now and added them and its rising 3-4 per hour (not alot i know but I'm trying to streamline it at the moment).
Here's an idea to find some of the splogs:

you can find a lot of the splogs thru the comments they leave on other blogs. For example, some will have [...] while others will insert 3 or 4 urls in the comment.

first, you need to get away from using txt files; use a db instead.

-make a table in your new db to store your blacklisted sites.
-for every url that your script gets:
-if it is a blog (you may also want to know the blog cms):
-parse the text in the comments
-for each comment, if the text contains (add the footprints here):
-get the hostname of the comment author and add it to your blacklist
I don't think he's looking for slogs/autoblogs particularly (are you?) - he has "a script that auto finds blogs", (although finding auto blogs could be useful too)

I had a quick look and didn't really get chance to see how well your dofollow targetting is working. I only visited 3 sites, but 2 of those were not allowing comments, the third had half dofollow, half nofollow (maybe the case by case plugin?). It also seemed to be the index pages ranking over the post pages (it was a generic term) - if it's designed to quickly find places to comment then maybe filter index, category, archive pages from the results?

It's a good idea, but you'll need something special to get people using it instead of CommentHut, CommentKahuna or any of the other free dofollow comment spam services.
Firstly thanks for all the input;

No im not looking for splogs / autoblogs, the script looks for blogs with do-follow in the comment section (and variations within, has got 1.4k+ indexed now).

What i plan to do (once i know how :p) is:

> filter splogs as jyran21 has suggested;
> filter out index, category, archive pages from the results, as per Lazyhippy
> as the SE is based on google it is sorted by PR (m assuming) but to make it more visual I plan to add the PR of displayed urls so its slightly easier plus possible alexa rank. (just working on how to manipulate results.)
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