If a $170 helmet can't save you from an accident...
99% chance you're done for.
There's just no point in investing in a pricey helmet man.
If you're on a track you're going to slide out on pavement/dirt.
If you're racing on the street with trees, telephone lines, guardrails, car etc..
Well, again, if a $$$ helmet can't save you, the rest of your body is going to destroyed.
I'm all for knee/leg guards, mesh/leather jacket, gloves, boots, socks, kevlar jeans, armored shorts...
But there comes a point when it's broken bones and road rash vs. death.
There's really no diff when you look at safety ratings and most components... It's comfort/style/features.
No new tech, wheres the airbags, advanced tech foam padding, etc you know..