911 Imam shows true colors


It's a tough call. Really is.

Out of principle they won't move it, but you better believe it either a) won't be there long or b) will be trashed every day.
Cuz popeye needs fresh exposure, needs fresh meat for the debate :D

Or he's trying to divert attention away from the fact that he wants to build a payday loan building in Oklahoma! That's sacred hallowed ground! The Oklahoma City bombing victims ashes could have easily been picked up by the jet stream and covered the entire state. We can't stand for this! Popeye is spitting in the face of the victims!
Calm down bros, once I become emperor of the United States I'll be sure to execute anybody who dares to worship any being other than myself or my pet ostrich.
political correctness

A politician offering government land in exchange for free market private property, due to concern for people's feelings and cultural relations -- that sounds rather politically correct.

Maybe next for the likes of sensitive Rush Limbaugh will be to urge the Georgia governor to work out a compromise with the offended NAACP over the flag thing.
Popeye, I know you read HuffPo, seems you forgot to link to this article.
Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Helped FBI With Counterterrorism Efforts

In March 2003, federal officials were being criticized for disrespecting the rights of Arab-Americans in their efforts to crack down on domestic security threats in the post-9/11 environment. Hoping to calm the growing tempers, FBI officials in New York hosted a forum on ways to deal with Muslim and Arab-Americans without exacerbating social tensions. The bureau wanted to provide agents with "a clear picture," said Kevin Donovan, director of the FBI's New York office.

Brought in to speak that morning -- at the office building located just blocks from Ground Zero -- was one of the city's most respected Muslim voices: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. The imam offered what was for him a familiar sermon to those in attendance. "Islamic extremism for the majority of Muslims is an oxymoron," he said. "It is a fundamental contradiction in terms."
"Imam Feisal has participated at the Aspen Institute in Muslim-Christian-Jewish working groups looking at ways to promote greater religious tolerance," Walter Isaacson, head of The Aspen Institute told the Huffington Post. "He has consistently denounced radical Islam and terrorism, and promoted a moderate and tolerant Islam. Some of this work was done under the auspices of his own group, the Cordoba Initiative. I liked his book, and I participated in some of the meetings in 2004 or so. This is why I find it a shame that his good work is being undermined by this inflamed dispute. He is the type of leader we should be celebrating in America, not undermining."
"We have to be very much more vocal about protecting human rights and planting the seeds of democratic regimes throughout the Arab and Muslim world," he told Katie Couric, then with NBC, during an interview in October 2001.
Holy shit Popeye, a muslim leader speaking out in favor of human rights and democratizing the Arab and Muslim world, just a month after 9/11 and interviewed by a mainstream journalist. I thought you said that stuff never happens.

Along the way, he rubbed elbows with or was embraced by a host of mainstream political figures, including several in the Republican Party. John Bennett, the man who preceded Isaacson as president of the Aspen Institute, was impressed enough by the imam's message that he became a co-founder of his Cordoba Initiative, which seeks to promote cross-cultural engagement through a variety of initiatives including, most recently, the center in downtown Manhattan.


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Mosque Developer Rejects Meeting With Paterson | NBC New York

Just goes to show how serious this imam is in improving relations with the West. Patterson offered state land for the Mosque. The Hamas backing Imam won't even meet with him.

I look forward to the government interfering with private land you've purchased.

The constitution is great until it helps someone you don't like, huh?

I thought New York doesn't even contain any "real americans", so what do you care? It's full of liberal elites that have shown clearly that they know better than you, so leave them alone.
I just can't figure out if you broke dick progressives are really athiest or just really fuckin stupid. Where I stand on religion and politics are obvious but I just cant figure you mental giants out. One day you idiots are athiest bashing Christians and Jews and the next day your rabid defenders of the faith. You do realize you can't have it both ways and look nothing but stupid? right?

You can quote all the BS you want from this Imam but there are plenty of quotes from him that prove to me and millions of others that he is at the least a terrorist sympathizer. Because of Al-Taqiyya, I don't believe ANYTHING being spouted out the mouth of this man.

Now off with you fools. Go sit in a dark room and finally decide if you are truly an athiest or just a terrorist sympathizer. Cause you can't be both!
you're just throwing out chaff. Nobody quoted the Imam. I quoted an article showing that the FBI, several republicans, former Secretaries of State and ex presidents all say that this guy has spoken out against radical islam (something you always spout off about as never happening) and is in favor of increased relations with other religions. You just can't get past your own bigotry and hatred to see anything else.

I just can't figure out if you broke dick progressives are really athiest or just really fuckin stupid. Where I stand on religion and politics are obvious but I just cant figure you mental giants out. One day you idiots are athiest bashing Christians and Jews and the next day your rabid defenders of the faith. You do realize you can't have it both ways and look nothing but stupid? right?

You can quote all the BS you want from this Imam but there are plenty of quotes from him that prove to me and millions of others that he is at the least a terrorist sympathizer. Because of Al-Taqiyya, I don't believe ANYTHING being spouted out the mouth of this man.

Now off with you fools. Go sit in a dark room and finally decide if you are truly an athiest or just a terrorist sympathizer. Cause you can't be both!
I just can't figure out if you broke dick progressives are really athiest or just really fuckin stupid. Where I stand on religion and politics are obvious but I just cant figure you mental giants out. One day you idiots are athiest bashing Christians and Jews and the next day your rabid defenders of the faith. You do realize you can't have it both ways and look nothing but stupid? right?

You can quote all the BS you want from this Imam but there are plenty of quotes from him that prove to me and millions of others that he is at the least a terrorist sympathizer. Because of Al-Taqiyya, I don't believe ANYTHING being spouted out the mouth of this man.

Now off with you fools. Go sit in a dark room and finally decide if you are truly an athiest or just a terrorist sympathizer. Cause you can't be both!

I would love to stop you from creating a church; imagine the outcry. In the meantime, abide by the law that's there to protect your ooga-booga god AND theirs.

If it was 5 years ago I'm sure you'd be telling me why we need to ban flag burning to protect free speech. But that's a different wedge issue that conservatives have riled you up over from a different election...
I would love to stop you from creating a church; imagine the outcry. In the meantime, abide by the law that's there to protect your ooga-booga god AND theirs.

If it was 5 years ago I'm sure you'd be telling me why we need to ban flag burning to protect free speech. But that's a different wedge issue that conservatives have riled you up over from a different election...

You can sit at your house and worship all the death cults and burn all the fuckin flags you want. When you start trying to stick it in people's faces...then don't whine when you get your face caved in.
You can sit at your house and worship all the death cults and burn all the fuckin flags you want. When you start trying to stick it in people's faces...then don't whine when you get your face caved in.

... seems like the only chance of getting it shoved in your face is to actually attend one of those islamic community centers, in which case if you don't want it in your face you'd look pretty stupid going there.

Course when it comes to shoving religion in each other's face in the US , gota give them bible thumpers some serious creds. :D
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