Daily WordPress Update Service by HackRepair.com
“I am too busy to worry about WordPress and plugins updates”
If this sounds like you then you have found the solution. We all know how important it is to maintain the latest versions of WordPress and plugins.
Forgetting a plugin or WordPress update can be a tragic error for a business owner or manager. Being hacked is simply no fun at all!
Would you prefer to have someone else monitor and manage your WordPress updates and maintain backups, so you can spend more time building your business?
“I am too busy to worry about WordPress and plugins updates”
If this sounds like you then you have found the solution. We all know how important it is to maintain the latest versions of WordPress and plugins.
Forgetting a plugin or WordPress update can be a tragic error for a business owner or manager. Being hacked is simply no fun at all!
Would you prefer to have someone else monitor and manage your WordPress updates and maintain backups, so you can spend more time building your business?
- We will monitor your WordPress version and plugins versions.
- We will ensure your WordPress and WordPress plugins are updated at least weekly (though likely more often).
- We will assist you in installing and maintaining the WordPress Security plugin of your choice.
- We will monitor your blog for files changes and notify you if we see anything suspicious.
- We will maintain a “just in case” backup of your core WordPress files and database.
- Upon completing an update of WordPress or a plugin we will manually review your website to verify all is working as expected.
- This service will not be outsourced to a foreign country. We are a California based business.
- Our staff is personable, always available by phone, and ready to help.
For more details, see us online at:
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