7search updates captcha system

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mr. Beat the System
Jun 24, 2006
today, of all days, they update their system -- i was just about to make a nice 15K term run :)

guess I get to do it a little different than planned.


damn, wish I knew how to hack captchas. are there any tutorials out there?
I've worked with the GD class before but nothing this complicated
previously, it was nearly as simple as this:

djpeg -pnm -gray captcha-image.jpg | gocr -
didn't read your post correctly the first time. I don't know any advanced methods so, for me, it'll likely come down to making the most of it while the session is valid.
damn, wish I knew how to hack captchas. are there any tutorials out there?
I've worked with the GD class before but nothing this complicated

i think there is some stuff about hacking captchas on syndk8t, but that stuff is way over my head
yea I just hacked it. I pressed "submit" and I got past it without having to enter anything...

so advanced :D!

edit: awwww looks like they patched it.. :(
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