7search - traffic on a steady decline

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
I donno what happened, but I still have all my keywords, but traffic has been on a steady decline this week.

Maybe due to their decreased volume due to "crackdown" some affiliates search partners dumped them?

My traffic was on a slow decline and then yesterday it tripled. Today looks about the same. It seems to be very cyclic, without a lot of rhyme or reason.
new campaigns for 7search usually start out REALLY well and then it goes to 1 click a day. I'm letting my money drain from them and then taht will be my last time using them.

I noticed that they started deleting whole wordlists from my campaigns. I guess it's their way of telling me to gtfo.
Also check to see if your position has changed. A lot of times people bid to reach positions 1-3, if they see you have outbid them they might have upped their bids.
still getting a few hundreds hits a day from them - really annoying that they won't verify my newest account that I opened the night before their new terms came out... I spend all that time inputting my new campaigns for nothing.

Is it easy to get a refund for an account from them? I still have three more accounts, but they haven't done anything besides delete kw's from those campaigns...
It's funny. I was checking on a CPA keyword and I went to see who was advertising already. The top guy was a freaking Arbitrage 1.0 advertiser. His page showed a picture and google ads, nothing else.

His source code showed all sorts of keywords stuffed into an hidden layer. I did some checking and found all sorts of things he advertises on and they are the exact same thing.

They haven't even cleaned up arbi 1.0 and they are worried about us. Screw them.
How did the quality score and minimum bids affect you? Did you have to the usual Google-pleasing stuff such as more content, outbound links, privacy..etc?
I have noticed that the traffic is down about 30% or so the last 6 days. However, I have started to recieve a lot of clicks on sites that got very few clicks before. Probably has something to do with other people's keywords getting deleted. Some nice Niches have opened up!! If you have a niche that didn't work before, go back and give it a try.
Jdog, it seems to be doing ok so far although I still got lots of bid tweaking to do. So far I'm only testing two arbi niches (in order to get a clear overview of how I'm doing).

I made a new template based on my old one to please Google so I'm curious to see how CTR is affected.

Cool, glad it's working out for you.
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