7search edit bids slow right now...

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
...it's taking forever for my edit bid pages to load...maybe it's because I'm at work but damn it's annoying right now. :p

Yeah 7search has been slow all day for me. I was just trying to bring up report data a few times earlier and it took an extremely long time.
i wish they had an "turn ALL sites Online/Offline" feature :(
They need a few things. Turn on/off all sites and a method of running ads on a timed schedule would be nice.
At least you can turn campaigns off there... from my few tests on searchfeed it seems like you can't actually turn individual listings off... Someone please enlighten me if I am mistaken.
At least you can turn campaigns off there... from my few tests on searchfeed it seems like you can't actually turn individual listings off... Someone please enlighten me if I am mistaken.

Yeah thats right.. but they do allow you to deactive an entire account for the day which is also useful..

Searchfeed and 7search should combine a few of their features and that'd make our lives a lot easier ;x
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