700$ to burn - want to get started!

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New member
Mar 29, 2007
I'm leaning heavily towards doing the whole directory thing but I'm not very good at making websites or anything like that. I'm pretty decent with blogs and Wordpress though.

So what would you do with $700 besides hookers, blow, weed and more hookers?

IF your good with blogs and wordpress i would suggest you play with your money on that field for right now.

choose 10 Topics you may get some good ideas Yahoo! Buzz Index and Google Trends

If you can write articles on your own well and good write some pay different guys to write your articles for different topics buy a good domain..make sub domains related to the topic and set up the blogs. ( Use WP-MU )

Start commenting on similar blogs using some software many out there don't pay shit for any..

out of your 10 topics makes press releases for each one of them..remember not to advertise your site a press release is read by potential web masters and editors your goal is to make newsworthy press release..

of course monetize using appropriate affiliate offers and shit.
I'm thinking about setting up 5 good blogs... Movie review, concert/album review, Funny video/picture blog and not quite sure about the others yet.

I want to pay some college students easy money for them to write and find content. $5 per movie review, $3 per album/ concert review, $40/ month for the funny website content.

I'm aiming for some quality blogs to get decent traffic.

What do you think?

Should I spend $300 trying to do the directory thing? anyone had success yet?
Pure directories are pretty much a waste of money unless you have a great niche that you can make some money off of. People pay for PR mostly and $700 will not get you much in terms of buying high PR links. PR is really worthless but that's another story all together.

I'd suggest you pay a programmer to set you up a database driven site that will yield you long term income and give you some great content pages for future linking/site building potential. You should be able to make that $700 back in a year or so with adsense alone if your niche is good. This db driven site could also function as a directory if you really want to sell some links on it.

From there, the money is residual and you will have 100,000 or so pages which is a huge base of pages to link to your future sites. Depending on your ideas/intentions you can probably get a db driven site build for a couple hundred dollars .. so perhaps you can get 2 with your money.

For more info on the purpose of database driven sites check out eli's empire part1 post (when's #2 coming out boss?)
I think you're spending too much on the review content - movies / music is so vast that you need to get that down to a more manageable niche level. For those two consider user generated content to fill the blog - allow users to log in and post their own reviews.
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