55-65% Bounce Rate on My Site (Your Thoughts?)

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Dec 12, 2007
So I have this travel web site that I push traffic through Adwords. All PPC traffic is sent to specific hotel pages and the keywords and ads are tightly targeted for each hotel. Quality score is good, placement is good, but bounce rate is 55-65% ... which I am not sure is good or bad in the travel industry - but FUCK it kills me to see up to 65% of the highly targeted people who hit my site, leave. So with that said, what are your thoughts on my site landing pages, example below:

The Waldorf Astoria in New York City, New York

Would you book your room from me? What would you improve/change? Keep in mind my audience is NOT us punk ass kids, its adults between 30-60 years of age LOL

p.s. If you think the page needs to be scrapped, do you know of any great designers who understand good design for travel web sites?

Your bounce rate just went up.

I had to scan around for the the offer. Emphasise the rate, make it look unbeatable.
Your bounce rate just went up.

I had to scan around for the the offer. Emphasise the rate, make it look unbeatable.

LOL. Really the call to action is either:

A.) Use the Check Rates and Availability Widget
B.) Call the 800 # (actually conversions are higher with calls so this could be A)

nice looking site, although you might want to consider putting your css and javascript into files of their own, your code is a bit bloated.

my wife does all our travel stuff, and just from watching how she surfs, she hits a LOT of sites and gathers as much information as possible about a place, and then buys at the cheapest one she can find. My guess is that your site is getting used to provide information rather than sales.

I wouldn't scrap the page, just gear it a bit more on closing a sale, rather than focusing on the information about the place.
LOL. Really the call to action is either:

A.) Use the Check Rates and Availability Widget
B.) Call the 800 # (actually conversions are higher with calls so this could be A)


Sounds like you just solved your own problem.

More emphasis and better positioning.
My impressions of the site, where that it was a nice professional looking site, however I'd be putting a large 'Book Now' style button on your page, to better close the deal, as someone mentioned earlier.

It seems as if you're not trying to push the offer to book through your site enough, through your choice of words "check rates and availability." It's not very persuasive, and doesn't really promote instant booking, something that visitors to these sites on the net want. And while you're at it make the 'Book Now' button big, as someone mentioned earlier, just like your competitor.

Anyway that's how I felt as a visitor, it may be different for others.
Even after reading the posts above, the first thing I noticed on your site while scanning it was that it took me a few seconds to find where to start the shopping process. I think many users will look for a "Buy Now" anchor that they'll explore the page from, and since your site doesn't have that, there was nowhere to start.

Second thing I noticed was the Engrish in the description. Seriously?
I wouldn't say that Adwords provide "high quality targeted traffic". In fact - 55-65% is very typical, I've seen worse.
But your idea on improving the site CTR is great. I gave up Adwords as they are too complicated to manage them, lots of cheaters (what I saw on Adwords stats and what I saw on apache logs - different).
Consider blogging - that would be truly 100% high quality and very targeted traffic, imho.
Even after reading the posts above, the first thing I noticed on your site while scanning it was that it took me a few seconds to find where to start the shopping process. I think many users will look for a "Buy Now" anchor that they'll explore the page from, and since your site doesn't have that, there was nowhere to start.

Second thing I noticed was the Engrish in the description. Seriously?

I'm not following you here. What?
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