4G iPhone Prototype Found?


New member
Sep 4, 2008

You are looking at Apple's next iPhone . It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City, camouflaged to look like an iPhone 3GS. We got it. We disassembled it. It's the real thing, and here are all the details.

While Apple may tinker with the final packaging and design of the final phone, it's clear that the features in this lost-and-found next-generation iPhone are drastically new and drastically different from what came before. Here's the detailed list of our findings:

What's new
? Front-facing video chat camera
? Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS)
? Camera flash
? Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad)
? Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x640 display thrown around before--it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS.
? What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack
? Split buttons for volume
? Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

What's changed
? The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through. Tapping on the back makes a more hollow and higher pitched sound compared to tapping on the glass on the front/screen, but that could just be the orientation of components inside making for a different sound
? An aluminum border going completely around the outside
? Slightly smaller screen than the 3GS (but seemingly higher resolution)
? Everything is more squared off
? 3 grams heavier
? 16% Larger battery
? Internals components are shrunken, miniaturized and reduced to make room for the larger battery

Source: Gizmodo - This Is Apple's Next iPhone

I like how when it was leaked and not 100% a few days ago comments everywhere were "That's ugly... definitely not the real thing... Apple would never release something like that... looks like a Droid, not real!" - But now that it's confirmed, those same people are now saying, "omg! sooo want! soooo sexy".
Gizmodo could be sued for releasing trade secrets information.

Meh, it'd probably be a tough one, it's not like Gizmodo actively tried to steal or socially engineer access to data that it would normally not be privy to. If a dumb ass representative leaves a product out on a barstool for the whole world to see a case could be made that Apple was the one releasing trade secrets. That's not to say that Apply might not try and outspend Gizmodo to buy some silence via the judicial system. But the cat's already out of the bag. Think different!
Wow, seems like they'll have flash capabilities when taking pics. Sounds awesome. Not sure if any other phone has that.
I still think it's staged.

Apple is really anal about keeping new products under wraps. I can't see them letting an employee field test a phone and bring it into a bar. Seriously, if you had one of the only 4G's on the planet, and you're in a bar, you're going to talk about it. People will notice.

It's also the perfect way to create hype. They could announce it at a press conference or whatever and everyone in the world would still know. But "leaked" details are going to be more viral in nature. May as well play up the free viral hype before the official announcement....

Think about this. You find a new Iphone, and you're not ~95% of the population who wouldn't even realize this is a top secret unreleased Apple product. Who are you going to call?

I'd call Apple. How much is it worth to them to keep it under wraps? If it's important to them at all, they'll cough up more money than Gizmodo makes in a year to keep it a secret.

Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think so. It's easy viral marketing and when you think about it this being a promotional stunt makes the most sense.

And thank you Apple for finally inventing a flash for camera phones. Always the innovators. I hear they're working on some secret coding language that allows you to watch videos and play games, it'll be integrated in the new Ipad's sometime in 2019.

I still think it's staged.

Apple is really anal about keeping new products under wraps. I can't see them letting an employee field test a phone and bring it into a bar. Seriously, if you had one of the only 4G's on the planet, and you're in a bar, you're going to talk about it. People will notice.

Think about this. You find a new Iphone, and you're not ~95% of the population who wouldn't even realize this is a top secret unreleased Apple product. Who are you going to call?

I'd call Apple. How much is it worth to them to keep it under wraps? If it's important to them at all, they'll cough up more money than Gizmodo makes in a year to keep it a secret.

The phone was disguised in a 3gs case. Also the guy did called Apple and all they gave him was a case number haha

Missed those little details. Much to busy wasting my time reading other unimportant shit. :)

Maybe I'm wrong.
Any word on when this thing is actually going to be released? This will be my first iPhone. After having one android phone and two blackberries (and buying my then-gf two iPhones) I think it's time I got one.

Many will disagree and that's fine, but Apple's app store is really second-to-none and android's really is a distant second (my opinion, of course). I'm hardly a "fan boy" but it all comes down to the device doing what I want to do, when I want to do it with as little dicking around with it as possible.