44 sheeple sacrificed to honor Obama

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I remember i got trouble in year 5 for calling a turkish kid turkey butt when i didnt know he was turkish
Right, so there I was with about a million penguins in the hold, naked as a jay-bird and Gary says, "Okay, that's enough let's go home."

So we did. Good Ol' Gary.
And so it starts ...

"'God has vindicated the black folk'

Preachers in black and white churches today asked God to give President-elect Obama the wisdom to lead. There was recognition of hard times ahead, but also much celebrating. "God has vindicated the black folk," Pastor Shirley Caesar-Williams said in North Carolina. "Too long we've been at the bottom of the totem pole, but he has vindicated us, hallelujah." full story
Emphasis on the headline.
And so it starts ...

"'God has vindicated the black folk'

Preachers in black and white churches today asked God to give President-elect Obama the wisdom to lead. There was recognition of hard times ahead, but also much celebrating. "God has vindicated the black folk," Pastor Shirley Caesar-Williams said in North Carolina. "Too long we've been at the bottom of the totem pole, but he has vindicated us, hallelujah." full story
Emphasis on the headline.

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