404s 4 good

Maybe it's just me but I'd never ever recognize someone just from seeing a picture of them once...

I've never understood how some people will actually recognize a minor celebrity from a 30-year-old TV show or things of that sort. I do good to recognize people that I went to school with for 12 years...
I agree. I am the same.

Although if it proves successful, I would be happy to do my bit for the cause.
404s?? You guys seriously have 404 errors on your website? Why don't you create a script that reads your sitemap, and uses levenshtein to correctly figure out what page the person actually meant?

This is a joke right? You guys can't be serious with the 404 error shit. It's 2012. Next you'll be asking how to rank #1 in Google and get Fans to a Facebook Fan pages.

Good luck bros.
404s?? You guys seriously have 404 errors on your website? Why don't you create a script that reads your sitemap, and uses levenshtein to correctly figure out what page the person actually meant?

This is a joke right? You guys can't be serious with the 404 error shit. It's 2012. Next you'll be asking how to rank #1 in Google and get Fans to a Facebook Fan pages.

Good luck bros.

you gotta realize that a lot of these folks are coming here with a marketing background trying to figure out development. other people are developers trying to figure out marketing.

i came here knowing about OS's, servers, programming etc - but never heard the term "call to action" or "conversion" until a few years ago.
you gotta realize that a lot of these folks are coming here with a marketing background trying to figure out development. other people are developers trying to figure out marketing.

i came here knowing about OS's, servers, programming etc - but never heard the term "call to action" or "conversion" until a few years ago.

You're absolutely right. But since this new audience of people that don't know what they are doing has come on board, we get post after post of stupid shit. Look how many Google EMD threads there were? These idiots keep making the sames post over and over, and effectively diluting the good stuff that WickedFire used to be know for.

Why the fuck do you think the people with great ideas stopped coming here? Cause of noob shit like this. I'd rather call bullshit out, so anyone with a stupid thread/comment can think twice before posting another Google EMD update thread without researching what everyone's stated. If I stop 1 additional dumb thread, then I'll die in peace.

I'm really getting tired of this shit.

Good luck bro.
You're absolutely right. But since this new audience of people that don't know what they are doing has come on board, we get post after post of stupid shit. Look how many Google EMD threads there were? These idiots keep making the sames post over and over, and effectively diluting the good stuff that WickedFire used to be know for.

Why the fuck do you think the people with great ideas stopped coming here? Cause of noob shit like this. I'd rather call bullshit out, so anyone with a stupid thread/comment can think twice before posting another Google EMD update thread without researching what everyone's stated. If I stop 1 additional dumb thread, then I'll die in peace.

I'm really getting tired of this shit.

Good luck bro.

Is this a cryptic way of saying that there may or may not be another update coming sometime in the future?