40% of Citigroup Govt Owned!

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Yea, killed the market today. Everyone was panic selling, I'm just hoping BOFA doesn't go under as well. BOFA appears to be pretty strong if Lewish isn't BSing us.
ive not even checked my citigroup stock today ...i bought at 5.07

It's down to 1.47. I bought 120 shares at 16.60 a piece back in Oct. or so. Though I made some money back this week. Bought at 2.00 sold at 2.83.

The pref. shares are up big today. Today was incredible they traded around 1.77 billion shares to break the record. Now in the after market they are almost at 1.9 billion shares. And the funny thing was all these shares were going and the stock was only moving a penny or two.
It's down to 1.47. I bought 120 shares at 16.60 a piece back in Oct. or so. Though I made some money back this week. Bought at 2.00 sold at 2.83.

The pref. shares are up big today. Today was incredible they traded around 1.77 billion shares to break the record. Now in the after market they are almost at 1.9 billion shares. And the funny thing was all these shares were going and the stock was only moving a penny or two.
yea the stock market used to make sense ..somewhat..now it just defies logic
yea the stock market used to make sense ..somewhat..now it just defies logic

It makes perfect sense. It is just an easy way to steal money from people.

That is why I will never put my money into a 401k any more. An indexed annuity is the closest thing to the stock market that I would trust my money in right now.
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