4 Tips for Media Buy Beginners


New member
Apr 14, 2015
Follow these tips and reach the TOP!

Monetizing mobile traffic can be a real challenge. You need logical skills and, at the same time, you need to trust your experiences and instincts in order to make the best possible decisions.

However, we’re all making mistakes and it helps us learn lessons, develop, grow personally and professionally. That’s why we decided to give you a bunch of successful tips that’ll guide you on your first steps as a Media Buyer:

1 – Select the Ad Network

Your first steps should be about the decision of what you want to promote and which Ad Network is the one that better fits your needs.

For example, if you have an offer that converts better on a certain mobile operator, you should work with an Ad Network that works with 3G Carrier Targeting. If you have a really good product in Thailand, you need to be sure that you select an adnetwork that has traffic from this country. And so on.

2 – Select the Segment/Target

This is a critical step. When you’re getting started you do not have access to detailed data. Therefore, your campaign target should be wide enough to cover the segment you want to launch. Later on, analyze the results, and then start optimizing and focusing only on the most profitable segments.

The first step to create a campaign is to decide the segment (Country, Operating System and carrier) in which to work. You may select which one based on your analysis of their performances. You should cover all segments by investing in different devices, operating systems, browsers, Languages… You should then look at the detailed data and adjust the investment in order to get as much profit as you can. In this step you may begin to detail the segment by stopping non-profitable parameters or adjusting bid and capping.

Do not stick with only one ad-format and try to launch several spots. One spot can work well for one country but fail for another. If you launch only one spot and you’re not successful, that doesn’t mean you can’t get money out of that country. It just shows the tested spot wasn’t a good choice.

3 – Set your Pricing

You need to set the bid and capping for your campaigns on the Ad Network.

You have two options: you can either be more conservative and have more controlled costs or you can be more aggressive, spending more in order to collect data faster, so you can optimize your campaign faster as well.

4 – Choose your Banners wisely

There are Media Buyers who don’t worry about banners. But you should! They’re as important as the bid or the targeting – the banners are the first selling point of the product to the End-user.

You should be sure about the optimization of your banners – if possible, you should have 3 to 5 banners rotating. This way you’ll not only have data for all of them but you’ll also be able to optimize your campaign and get the highest CTR. If you use fewer banners, you won’t be able to compare performances. If you use more – you have to spend more time and money to get relevant stats for the performance analysis of each banner.

If it’s possible, try everything: colors, images, text, layout, lettering, etc. – everything has impact on your campaign’s success! Don’t forget to respect the rules of both the Adnetwork and the Affiliate Network.

Besides these basic 4 Tips, it’s important to be wary of the progress of your campaigns. You need to be aware of what’s going on around you in order to achieve goals and get stable results.

In Media Buy, controlling your activity on a regular basis is as important as having the proper technical skills or the perfect intuition.

Starting your Media Buy journey?

Check the Mobidea Academy, where you can find all the info you need to know!


wtf is this ? I dont even know how to computer but i get paid 1000 a day for posting links on snapchat

seriously though this is retarded and you should feel bad
I would like to add to the rule #4: use the creative files from advertiser (if any) :)
Hi Nesa78,

Even though you’ve had a bad experience with Mobidea, I assure you we are one of the most trusted affiliate networks in the market. Indeed, there are more than 30.000 users registered on Mobidea. These people connect with us from all over the world and are in permanent contact with a support team that helps them reach their goals.

Mobidea is a platform that changes people’s lives every day. In fact, we have paid $150M to publishers since 2012.

I entreat you to contact our support team and explain your situation. Please provide them with your Mobidea username. I’m sure we’ll be able to help you solve any issues you may have.

Email: support@mobidea.com

Thank you for your feedback. Mobidea values your opinion since we’re always trying to improve our platform.
Lets see are they SCAM MOBIDEA SCAM


I wrote you may times on email and skype. You do not respond. You took my bloody earned money. I do not ask that you back me . I ask from you that you pay online my money to your local red cross organisation and send public on this forum print screen . Do not eat and drink my bloody earned money or you will? Can someone who steal money do charity.

Hi Nesa78,

Even though you’ve had a bad experience with Mobidea, I assure you we are one of the most trusted affiliate networks in the market. Indeed, there are more than 30.000 users registered on Mobidea. These people connect with us from all over the world and are in permanent contact with a support team that helps them reach their goals.

Mobidea is a platform that changes people’s lives every day. In fact, we have paid $150M to publishers since 2012.

I entreat you to contact our support team and explain your situation. Please provide them with your Mobidea username. I’m sure we’ll be able to help you solve any issues you may have.

Email: support@mobidea.com

Thank you for your feedback. Mobidea values your opinion since we’re always trying to improve our platform.
Hello Nesa,

We’ve checked your situation and can clearly see that you have indeed committed fraud in late May. You were banned because we scan proxies and were able to understand what you did.

Out of only two visits, you managed to have 1 conversion. A CR of 50% is simply too good to be true.

On Mobidea, we take fraud very seriously. We regard it as a tremendous flaw in the system and are 100% committed to eradicating this poison from our industry. That's why we had to ban you.

I hope this has been clear to you. For obvious reasons, the Mobidea platform will never allow fraud to be part of its business.

It is also important to put things in perspective: you have 16.05 EUR in balance which means Mobidea didn’t keep thousands of dollars of your “bloody earned money”.

Best regards
I am banned because I convert too good to be true

I am banned because I convert too good to be true.

Dear Mobidea
I convert too good yes. I am good. Do you know how? Well there is something that you did not say in academy. Yes I am good , I can make make money, too good for you? As I understand you think that I play with proxies and CR of 50% is to good to be in your system.It is the reason why I banned.
Every company can banned. It is a your company and you can do what every you want. I am glad because you banned me , because I convert to good to for you. I can convert 1:1 or 2:1 . Whats the problem? I am in industry long time and I am work with almost everyone. Regarding proxies you could not see anything, because everything is completely normal according good principles of business and morale.Can you send proof that you have when you say that I was doing something not good? Is anyone cancel some membership , have you got some problem with traffic? Only thing is that I am too good. You forget to say that i tested all kind of traffic , In past I was sending many K of traffic and found good converting traffic possibility. I talked in past via Skype with your support in past and they give me some advices. So sorry but if the reason because I am too good is not so solid.
You say one word POISON. After you banned me because I am to good. You did not answer on my skype messages and email. I wanted to offer all kind of evidences that everything is normal and I can help you if you need any additional documents, proofs, talk. I wanted to send you everything to show you that you banned me without reason. Can you send proof that something is fraud? Well, you know I convert very good Jordania, Umniah, Android . Maybe better then you can even think.

Anyway. 16 eur (money because you banned me , with good conversion) is not too small. It is lunch for some baby from red cross. It is the reason why I ask you that you give them bloody earned money. You know every dollar bloody earned can help someone. I do not ask that you back me. After all I am too good for your statistics. I did not ask from you that you give me my money. I offer you help, support, proofs. Some child can be happy with this 16 eur. It is not too hard. You can easy send on line money to your local red cross. There is no minimum. I hope that you will not eat this money , because it is not yours money. Be Humanitarian.
I am against fraud. It is a really poison in industry these days. I agree that it must be found and banned. In this case, you could found only good conversion. If you send proof here public that something is fraud I will polite excuse to you on this forum and GFY forum and in future on all fucking webmaster forums on the net.
Do good charity for this 16 eur.I hope it is not problem. It is not your money

Hope to hear you soon. I have all chat we discased in past so everyone can see what is happening and togather help industry.

Hello Nesa,

We’ve checked your situation and can clearly see that you have indeed committed fraud in late May. You were banned because we scan proxies and were able to understand what you did.

Out of only two visits, you managed to have 1 conversion. A CR of 50% is simply too good to be true.

On Mobidea, we take fraud very seriously. We regard it as a tremendous flaw in the system and are 100% committed to eradicating this poison from our industry. That's why we had to ban you.

I hope this has been clear to you. For obvious reasons, the Mobidea platform will never allow fraud to be part of its business.

It is also important to put things in perspective: you have 16.05 EUR in balance which means Mobidea didn’t keep thousands of dollars of your “bloody earned money”.

Best regards
1 conversion out of two great. so they find it hard to beleive and they call it fraud?