3D Printers

MakerBot just sold for some $400m, which is crazy....

tbh, I would only buy one (probably right now and for the next 2 - 3 years) to simply fuck around and build some things about my company. These 3-D printers should be awesome to build merchandise for your brand.

This is a comment on BI on a similar post:
anyone who thinks makerbot is worth $400 million needs their head examined

desktop 3d printing was, is, and will be for the forseeable future, limited to created simple inanimate objects out of a material that is brittle, subject to melting, and basically useless for any real task. do you feel the pressing need to create a coffee mug out a material that splinters into razor-sharp edges? 3d printing is massively, moronically overhyped and presents no real threat to any legitimate manufacturing
Seem interesting and worth observing..
What I mean by observing is that it is freaking so expensive....
Only Bill gates would prefer it ironically :D


how are you not banned yet?