33% of US Population on Welfare?

"Figures include anyone residing in household in which at least one person received a program benefit"

Clearly whoever wrote that article is a moron. Anyone who actually fell for it is no better...
"Figures include anyone residing in household in which at least one person received a program benefit"

Clearly whoever wrote that article is a moron. Anyone who actually fell for it is no better...

Fuck you moron. If even one person from a family is on welfare, isn't that bad enough. Spend on welfare, spend on wars, keep spending till you go broke
"Figures include anyone residing in household in which at least one person received a program benefit"

Clearly whoever wrote that article is a moron. Anyone who actually fell for it is no better...

It's going to be a pretty small group of people that are on welfare but somehow are not tied into the finances of the household. I would guess that these figures include children of parents on welfare and similar situations. As they should since its welfare that is being used to suport the other household members.
Um yeah.

Includes food stamps.

From what I understand, they hand out food stamps down there like 5-cent candy (no pun intended).

Look it's fun to make fun of the poor and show disgust even. I have some inlaws that are a total fucking waste of oxygen. I mean wards of the state for over 30 years because they are usless tools.

But if you are worried about the money, worry about Medicare, Social security, and the Air Force boys with their toys. That is what is bankrupting your generation.
If you think things are bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

The is a Real Depression coming, I am no doomsday-er, it just that there is really no way out of where the USA and the World Economies have gone.

There will be opportunity for those that take advantage.
But if you are worried about the money, worry about Medicare, Social security, and the Air Force boys with their toys. That is what is bankrupting your generation.

No, these are only symptoms. If you want to treat the problem, go after the politicians, lobbyists, and lawyers which have allowed and keep allowing this to take place. Otherwise it won't change.

The politicians aren't going to remove Medicare and social security because they'd be voted out of office. The same is true for military spending. They keep it around because it keeps them in office so they can further line their personal coffers and make back-room deals in peace. The only difference on the later being the government agencies would kill off the politicians which would bring about the decrease in spending for their departments.

It would take a very subtle and strategic planning to dig up dirt and bring all of it to light in a way that would either force the majority of local, state, and federal politicians out of office or usurp and insert some under your control before any of this gets better.
No, these are only symptoms. If you want to treat the problem, go after the politicians, lobbyists, and lawyers which have allowed and keep allowing this to take place. Otherwise it won't change.

The politicians aren't going to remove Medicare and social security because they'd be voted out of office. The same is true for military spending. They keep it around because it keeps them in office so they can further line their personal coffers and make back-room deals in peace. The only difference on the later being the government agencies would kill off the politicians which would bring about the decrease in spending for their departments.

It would take a very subtle and strategic planning to dig up dirt and bring all of it to light in a way that would either force the majority of local, state, and federal politicians out of office or usurp and insert some under your control before any of this gets better.

Getting the current politicians out of office won't do anything because the ones who will replace them will do the exact same thing. As much as people like to bitch about their elected officials, they're the ones who elected them into office in the first place because of their ability to pander to the general public in order to get votes.

At the end of the day people have their own interests at stake and are more than willing to throw their political ideology out the window and vote for whichever candidate gives them what they want. I'd be willing to bet that despite the strong libertarian mindset that exists here that if tomorrow the government passed a new law saying google could no longer remove you from the 1st page without a 30 day notice and they had to provide exact step-by-step details with a guarantee of how to get back to the 1st page and that advertising networks & paypal were no longer allowed to issue lifetime bans most people here would support it because it would be in their interest.

Same thing with welfare programs. Everyone hates medicare, medicaid, and social security, until it's their turn to collect. Suddenly any talk of cutting or scaling back those programs sends them running to the other party.