301 Redirect Problem b/c of .htaccess & wordpress-given code (I think)

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Press Releaser
Apr 12, 2008
Troll Forest, AR
When I changed the permalink structure to a customer structure on WordPress, it told me that my .htaccess was not writeable and that I needed to put in this bit of code

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /captainshplankykickassblog/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /captainshplankykickassblog/index.php [L]

and now I can't redirect from CPanel because, at is says:

Apache detected an error in the Rewrite config. Syntax error on line 8 of /home/captaindamnshplanky/public_html/.htaccess.6s2ru1fbPWlyLOFUzaaapzyuLbI6a6Yf:
RewriteCond without matching RewriteCond section
Please try again.

And you know what? I can't even find line 8 in my .htaccess file! I'm editing it from cpanel's file manager adn I can only see 7 lines--the ones I pasted above.

(I am not trying to redirect from the directory where WP is installed, btw.)

I've searched through the forums looking for an answer here, looking up "redirect help" and "redirect cpanel" and "redirect .htaccess" and I haven't found a solution. Am currently searching Google but havne't found an answer yet.

Have some boobs:





What, not even a dickroll? There are boobs here, people--good boobs! You'd think a bunch of straight guys would want to look at some boobs. but I guess if everybody's gay, that just leaves more for me...

Anyways, I figured it out. I took out the code WP had given men, make some redirects, then put the WP code back in the .htaccess, under the code for the new redirects. And I can now redirect all day...so if anybody else ever needs cpanel 301 redirect help, maybe this will show up.
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