300 keyword searches 200,00 sites

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I did a little research on a word in overture keyword search and it came back with 300 hits, then I searched google and found 200,000 page results.... Is this a good ration for starting a site or is that to few keyword searches?
??? You can be an SEO GURU, but if your targeting a keyword that only gets a couple hits a month it really doesnt matter. Unless you are also targeting other keywords.
My opinion is, I would start searching for a different niche or keywords to target, but I do not want to steer you wrong! Let someone with more experience answer this. BTW welcome to WickedFire.
If you are talking about you did an overture keyword search and there are 300 monthly searches then no. In fact, steer far away from those numbers. It is I would say near impossible to successfully market to that targeted of a market without losing money. There is just no traffic support. In the beginning personal opinion you should be targeting no less than 50,000 search a month in overture. Welcome to the forum.
Thanks guys I will look into something else. And thanks for the welcome to the forum, alot of info to absorb here from alot of knowledgable people.
Look forward to learning
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