3 Months free VPS hosting!

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
I've been looking at different VPS options and came across a deal I thought worth sharing. Don't get too excited, it's nothing amazing, but it is free. :D

Jumpline VDS (aff*) - Virtual dedicated server (seems to be like a VPS, although possibly with some limitations, definitely better than shared though).

3 months free, 2Gb/30Gb. After first 3 months it's $19.95 for that package and they have quite a few other packages. No catch with the free deal, just make sure to cancel or they'll charge your card on the 4th month.

Jumpline.com - Compare VDS Plans

*The 3 months free is only available through affiliate links it seems, delete the cookie if ya don't like me!

To late. I just ordered mine last night from hostforweb.

Had problems with them before but who knows maybe they've changed. They took my VPS offline without notification because it was using too many resources. Found out on my own a few hours later. I'll never go with anything other than dedicated again.
woot. 3 months free. someone else post up and let us know how this place is!
I'll be signing up in the next day or 2. (They won't take my switch/maestro debit card, just trying to sort a visa.) I'll let ya know what it's like.
Had problems with them before but who knows maybe they've changed. They took my VPS offline without notification because it was using too many resources. Found out on my own a few hours later. I'll never go with anything other than dedicated again.

What were you running? There is a hard limit anyway it's a nature of a VPS but I did notice in the TOS that basically if you are running a continous processes (like a script or something) and keep it pegged then they will have a problem with that.
What were you running? There is a hard limit anyway it's a nature of a VPS but I did notice in the TOS that basically if you are running a continous processes (like a script or something) and keep it pegged then they will have a problem with that.

I was just running regular sites that had a lot of traffic. I was never upset about the fact it couldn't handle it anymore. I was upset at the fact I had my VPS taken offline and had not been informed.
I was just running regular sites that had a lot of traffic. I was never upset about the fact it couldn't handle it anymore. I was upset at the fact I had my VPS taken offline and had not been informed.

Interesting, I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the heads up.
I have used them for some sites. When I signed up, they were offering a year of service free, so I have three accounts set up. They are decent and never really had a problem with them so if you are looking to run some smaller sites, I would recommend it. It is free so why not.
I have used them for some sites. When I signed up, they were offering a year of service free, so I have three accounts set up. They are decent and never really had a problem with them so if you are looking to run some smaller sites, I would recommend it. It is free so why not.

Yeah, I saw some stuff referring to a year free with jumpline. Shamed they stopped that.
I have used them for some sites. When I signed up, they were offering a year of service free, so I have three accounts set up. They are decent and never really had a problem with them so if you are looking to run some smaller sites, I would recommend it. It is free so why not.
But they don't have any database on that plan. Right? I too have that account with them but never use it.
I use them only for promotion/affiliate sites, none of my own sites. I use Hostgator for my forums and a private server for my main site. I used Fantastico once on that server but you can't customize or mod anything on it. That is when I just put like redirected offers on the server.
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