3 Free Adwords and Ms Vouchers

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New member
Feb 6, 2008
So I run three websites for family & friends that are hosted at 1&1. Yeah I know they suck blah, blah. They're pretty basic, static and not AM related though so who cares.

Regardless, along with each hosting package you get free vouchers for Adwords and MS Adcenter. I can't use the adwords codes because they're for new accounts only and honestly can't even remember my adcenter password, that's how often I use it. I'm not much of a PPC'r.

So what I have are...
  • 3 $25 Adwords vouchers
  • 3 $50 MS Ad Center vouchers
up for grabs.
The only conditions are...
  1. You can have ONE, Not one of each but one.
  2. I'd prefer you've been here a while, No one post wonders.
  3. I see no reason why they won't work but if they don't, I don't want to hear about it. They're free so if they don't, the STFU.
That's about it, So PM me or post here which one you want and I'll send it.

ill take an adcenter one please. Been wanting to sign up with them
Check your PM.

1 Adwords and 2 Ad Center gone.
2 Adwords and 1 Adcenter left

Again, I believe these are for New accounts only! I know the adwords are, didn't try the MS codes but I'm guessing it's the same.

Just FYI. If you get one and can't use it, please pass it on.
Vouchers are all gone!

If you asked and didn't get one, sorry. Someone probably beat ya to it via PM.

Edit: Another note.
For Adcenter, I believe it takes a few days for the balance of the code to show up in your account.
I know it did for me when I first signed up. Just another FYI.
There is one $25 adwords voucher left and here it is....

A few people have tried it and it didn't work. One was outside the US, the other was an existing account.

So don't forget, The Adwords codes are only good for new accounts and apparently in the US only. And that's it, I'm out of vouchers.
Good luck! Hopefully they work for you.

although I was late to the party - good show Adhorrent +1
Thanks. I suppose I probably could have sold them on DP or something but I've only been there a few times because I'm easily irritated by stupidity.

I'd rather they went to people who may actually get some use out of them.
And I suck balls at PPC so that person isn't me. :xomunch:
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