2x $100 Adwords Gift Cards


Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
Hostgator mailed me a couple $100 "Gift Cards" for Adwords.

Their terms are that it may only be used on new accounts (no older than 14 days) - and the account must not have already used a coupon / voucher code before.

see: http://www.google.com/ads/offers/hostgator.html

Also, it must be used up before June 30th, 2011

I have 2. I'm giving them out for free - post to claim - first come, first serve.
I'll PM you the unique code.

I'd prefer the only people to claim them be noobs who are in their experimenting stages.


Sweetness :)

edit: Nevermind You would rather noobs get them. I'll let them have it....I was just gonna sell them.