202 Pros - Tracking a click through network -> autoresponder / ebook -> purchase


New member
Apr 7, 2009
202 Pros - Tracking a click through network -> autoresponder / ebook -> purchase

I having a hard time wrapping my brain around out a complex setup in 202.

I have a lander, which has an opt-in and a free ebook for the opt-in with links in each back to the merchant I am promoting. Is it possible to track these clicks all the way from the PPC campaign? Right now I have an outbound php link on my lander for each scenario.

-Or- should I just consider the opt-in a conversion in its own way? If so, is there a way to use 202 to automatically track the sign up as a conversion? I am using mailchimp. I guess I would then add the mailing as a ppc network of its own with a direct link setup to the merchant.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

clarify this

is the LP JUST your opt in and free ebook, OR does it also offer outbound links to one/multiple (which?) merchants either on page w/ the opt in form OR on the thank you page the user is redirected to post-opt in.

Clarify that and I"ll give you my suggestion.
The later. My landing page also has outbound links to the single merchant, but 3 different links to the merchant. (Home page, purchase, demo). The autoresponder links to the same merchant, as does the ebook.
hmmmm, well you can track optins by setting up a campaign and putting the pixel (#8) on your thank you page. on this campaign, you would use #7 Get Links and use that as your desti url in Adwords or whatever for tracking optins by keyword/ad.

from there I would set up a new campaign for the thank you page lander (advanced setup). You wouldn't need to to use #7 Get Links on this campaign at all, just place your Javascript code to track the incoming user and set your outbound urls.

for tracking mailing list conversions, use either campaign 1 or 2, set your traffic source as Aweber or whatever, and use the keyword variable to differentiate which email (and which adcopy).


ghetto rigged FTW
Thanks Garrett. From an overall architecture I think have answered my question. Trying to track through a user path where the user leaves the browser is going to lead to inaccurate stats. Basic browser knowledge tells me that unless the user goes back to the same browser and the cookie is still active, your click is going to get lost. So its better to track the opt-in conversions, and then track the purchase conversions from the opt-in pieces.
The later. My landing page also has outbound links to the single merchant, but 3 different links to the merchant. (Home page, purchase, demo). The autoresponder links to the same merchant, as does the ebook.

so your goal I presume is to find out WHICH is converting? IE a user going off the auto-responder, or a user going to the homepage/purchase or demo?

Correct? Is that it? (that and of course tracking the campaign/keywords/etc like normal?)
This is how I do it:
The affiliate link is page for opt ins.
On the confirmation page I put 202 tracking pixel.

This is how you can optimize which keywords are sending you opt ins.

After you have a good opt in rate (and you've removed kws that don't convert to opt ins) you need to track which keywords are profitable and for that just take your pixel from confirmation page and have your AM place it on product thankyou page.
Thanks Garrett. From an overall architecture I think have answered my question. Trying to track through a user path where the user leaves the browser is going to lead to inaccurate stats. Basic browser knowledge tells me that unless the user goes back to the same browser and the cookie is still active, your click is going to get lost. So its better to track the opt-in conversions, and then track the purchase conversions from the opt-in pieces.

the prosper subid cookies expire at the end of hte session by default- you COULD initially (I think, someone feel free to correct me) set your own longer cookie via another cookie and set it simply w/ the prosper (original) subid.

you could do something in your ebook/pdf/wahtever links to drop to something like:


on this page via php read "your" 30 day cookie and grab the subid (original) and keyword (original, can stick this in there as another cookie initially) and then redirect through to the merchant or lander while appending this like <subid-keyword> - ie


obviously not SUPER clean, BUT since this on the click through is going to generate a new subid (from the standard prosper procedure) you'll be able to fire the pixel correctly and have this track (something you can't as easily do on the old 2-step diet stuff since the user is converting during the same session).

You then will show the conversion and be able to back track via the original subid listed in the keyword column to compare and /or pivot in excel on the data to see what opt-in's are driving back end conversions.

not as clean as you'd like, but at least an option.
I don't want to Hijack this thread, but can anybody help me out as well?

Yesterday, I installed Prosper202 and subscribed to Stats202. In my control panel, Stats202 has a bunch of errors on each page like Stats 202 Error messege with Beyond Hosting.

Also... I can't seem to figure out how to track leads? Can anybody help me with setting this up? Please PM me.
so your goal I presume is to find out WHICH is converting? IE a user going off the auto-responder, or a user going to the homepage/purchase or demo?

Correct? Is that it? (that and of course tracking the campaign/keywords/etc like normal?)

Yes sir.

This is how I do it:
The affiliate link is page for opt ins.
On the confirmation page I put 202 tracking pixel.

The problem is the sign up for my opt-in is on my home page or via footer pop. This is where I loose track.

cookie madness

Thanks for writing that up, but that's right over my head.

I have an idea how I am going to do it. Thanks for the help.