
New member
Oct 2, 2010
So I seen the movie. It was shit.

But it got me thinking.... is the Earth really gonna end next year because I got so much shit I need to do before next year?

I aint got time for no Earth to be ending.


No, it's not ending. Lots of money to be made off people who do think it's ending though. :)

Saying the world is going to end in 2012 is the same as saying it's going to end on Dec 31st every year, because the calendar runs out of days. Exact same shit. They Mayan calendar doesn't run out. It simply ends a cycle, same as we end our years.
Dude - it's not going to end. It's just going to get hit by an asteroid while the galactic alignment causes crushing gravity and opens a portal for the aliens who pretended to be god in the past to come back, while there are solar flares that wipe out all electricity, while there is the start of ww3 when Obama turns into the antichrist.

Plenty of time to do whatever in between all that.

BTW would you like to buy some of my emergency rations or dog care insurance in case you get raptured?
Dog Insurance you say. Hmmm. So if the Rapture comes or 2012 happens. How will I claim my Dogs insurance?

It seems like the perfect con. If the World ends of course!
first of all -- terrible movie.
second of all -- remember the Millennium? The rapture?

The fact that we can take these events and commercialize them is quite sad :/
The movie was appalling. It was given 64% on Rotton Tomatoes and 6.6/10 on IMDb. Some people may consider this good but to me, it was total shit.

And no, the world is not going to end. My Yoghurt does not expire until 2013. This cannot be true, load of bullshit, as always.
All of its based off a fucking calender cycle that's it nothing more. Some stars will pass by for the first time in 5000 years and then the next day comes that's it /thread

btw movie was god awful