20% Click Discrepancy between Prosper(vps hosting) and Adwords - Is it normal?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Hi guys,

First off, I understand that most Wicked Fire guys do not recommend hostgator for VPS or dedicated. However there is a reason for me to use them for vps, which i explain below.

I had been using hostgator shared hosting for all my domains, and i decided that i should test using the same shared hosting for my prosper clicks. It was a horrible experience, as i experienced click count discrepancy of about 60%!!

It was then i decided that to objectively test the difference between shared hosting and vps hosting, i should get the hosting from the same company, Hostgator. After that, then i compare vps from one company to another.

So i went from Hostgator shared to to Hostgator Level 3 vps for my prosper clicks. Now although my click count discrepancy has improved significant, it is still at about 20%. As i am not sure it this is normal, hence i am asking here. If its not, then i am going to switch to another vps hosting, which i will need recommendation from.

What i like to know,
1) is it normal for you guys to experience 15-20% click discrepancy between your ad networks and prosper?
2) can you state your vps host n any click discrepancy percentage if any
3) any other advice

thanks in advance,

Hi bigwill,

i know generally most wf guys feels that hostgator sucks from a vps point of view, and that's precisely the reason why i really like to hear what are the actual click discrepancy from you guys using other vps servers.

really like to hear from you guys, if the click discrepancy is similar, then hostgator might not be that bad after bad....

advice anyone?

I can run thousands of clicks a day on Dreamhost shared hosting and only have about a 5% click discrepancy if there have been under 100k clicks total.
hi hannahmcintyre,

thanks for your reply. now that makes me worried.

any other people can share their host n click discrepancy?

hi mGrunin,
thanks for the reply. care to share what type of hosting u use for prosper?

hi mGrunin,
thanks for the reply. care to share what type of hosting u use for prosper?


Ironically, I'm using HostGator also; but one of their dedicated servers. As you mentioned, people here laugh at HostGator, but I've been using it for 5 years, and got so accustomed to it that I brought a dedi with them.

Haven't had any problems and the support is fantastic.
mGrunin, thanks for your reply.

I feel much comforted knowing someone used hostgator dedicated and does not have much problem. i have been using their shared for years and love their support.

still waiting for ppl to give their take on vps n prosper though.

bro, just upgrade ur hosting. it will save all the trouble, let you easily scale up and save you money in the end.
u mean upgrade from vps to dedicated? i only average a few hundred clicks a day, dun think i need to spend on dedicated yet....

need more opinions on vps hosting man.