2 weeks in and I hate google already


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Ok, at the very high risk of getting dick-rolled, called an idiot (true) fucktard (somewhat true) loved gently in the butthole or whatever else, here's my deal:

I'm new to this (obviously) so in an attempt to just learn the basics, I decided to start a very basic campaign by simply copying something that is already out there. I choose acai berries - bad choice, I know. But I wasn't looking to make money, only to learn the mechanics of making a campaign by actually setting one up, doomed though it may be.

So I googled "acai" and took a high ranking paid link, and basically duplicated their campaign as best I could. I didn't copy anything, I just took the exact same approach.

I installed T202, set up a WP landing page that looks similar to the already existing campaign (wrote my own copy, used my own pics, etc.) and set up a G adwords account with a text ad that looks similar to (but not exactly like) the one I'm trying to copy.

Well, G sends me this shit:

"Thank you for your note. As mentioned in our previous email, your Google
AdWords account has been suspended due to non compliance with our Terms
and Conditions. We are unable to revoke your account suspension, and we
will not accept advertisements from you in the future."

They won't tell me how exactly I am in non compliance with the T&C. My campaign, near as I can tell, mimics one that is already running.

WT fucking F?

Looking forward to being told what a complete idiot I am...

Maybe, just maybe, you forgot the part where you're supposed to redirect the site to a valid and complete website when the viewer is from google.

Also, this is the newbie section. No one is supposed to dickroll us here.
Unlike most people who post here (admittedly me too) when they first sign up here, you are at least trying. and I have learned from my own attempts and time here that you HAVE to get off your ass and do it!

Keep up the work, learn from your mistakes, and good luck!
Yeah if you're gonna run re-bills on Google you need to cloak that shit or face the banhammer.

Bad luck bros.
Hey good job for taking action and doing something, give yourself some credit man :)