2 PR3 sites in 3 weeks of SEO.

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Jan 17, 2007
Both my new sites, getting from PR0 to PR3 in less than 3 week after launching. And I have more than 20 keywords top rank top 10 position. Here is a quick guide of what I did to make this happen:

1)Search engine submission to google, yahoo, msn, etc.
2)Directory submission.
3)Public relation. I joined few forums, and put my site on the signature.
4)Place this site URL to my other site footer.
5)Join link exchange.

Couple hour a day on the new site, wahlaa… PR3. Indeed I have 2 other site that scores PR2 in the almost same period. It works for me.

I was previously begging to know how to get PR fast, can’t find a good tips. Here I experience it, and hope this might be useful for those that look for fast PR for new site.
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You know there was just a PR update in the past few weeks right?

Actual PR is calculated on a real time basis, and the what the toolbar shows is updated every 3-4 months.
I got a site to PR5 in one update. That took about 2 months.

1. Digg
2. Stumbleupon
3. Wikipedia (but that has changed)
4. Forums postings (hit the top 30)
5. Forum Signatures
6. A PR that was duplicated many times.

Oh yes..A little viral content goes a long way.
That's insane! I'm going to check out some of those ideas you posted :p -- Might help some rankings for some of the sites I work with....
I had PRUpdates jump from 0 to PR4 and the only backlinks I have for the site are from MLB News Blog :)
Thats what usually that many of us have tried

I got$our website on first page of google for the keyword Game server Hosting
in just three days

beat that

just kidding may be got lucky
I thought forum signatures didn't count as backlinks. I thought the forum software would hide it form SEs er something - they never show up under link:www.mysite.com
Well I've used those future pagerank checkers to see what range I might be sitting in when they do assign me pagerank and every single one of them says PR5 which would be sweet but I do know there is no gaurentee I'll get the PR5.

I do however have a few good backlinks from relevent PR6 sites so who knows.

Oh one last thing for the first poster here, you know your NOT supposed to submit your website or blog to the search engines, this will get you ranked lower, your supposed to let them find you through your backlinks, hence the reason why its good to get at least one PR7 or PR6 backlink right off the bat so you'll get indexed within a week.
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