2-nd and 3-rd tier PPC engines

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
Hey guys

What are some other PPC engines with relatively low fraud besides 7search and looksmart?

My personal experience is that goclick is hugely fraudelent, and they don't care. Searchfeed traffic sucked for me.

That being said I would not take anyone else's word for it. If I listened to everything people said in terms of traffic sources I would be missing out on a substantial portion of the money I make.

So test it out for yourself. Doesn't take much to determine if the traffic is any good. First thing you want to check for is if you are even getting page loads. If the traffic is mostly just hitting the ip and bailing without the page loading, that is pretty much the worst traffic you can have. Complete waste.

If it loads but doesn't convert, it might be workable, or might be more sophisticated fraud. If you have a baseline from other sources, then you can pretty readily tell if a traffic source is worthwhile or not pretty quickly.
Use a redirect page which grabs the referrer, stores it in a database, and passes the id of the that row to the merchant as a subid.
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