1st Website.. Getting ready for launch.. need critiques and suggestions

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Jun 25, 2006
New Hampshire, USA
Website: http://www.wowitemcreator.com

Description: Basically this website allows you to create fake World of Warcraft in game items. Why? So that you can post fake screen shots or make up items that make fun of other players.

Target: The millions of level capped users.

So what I'd like to do is hear some suggestions on how our ad placement is.. and Ideas on how to promote it.

For promotion we are considering:
1) A couple press releases that we can pass along to the many WOW news sites.
2) Using the WOW forums to spread the word. (post a couple example item posts; hopefully making comical items relating to gamer vs developer frustrations)

Any other ideas?

Also.. We are going to try and monetize via Adsense/Ypn; CPM ads and some WOW gold affiliates..

One of the things we aren't quite sure of is, what we should expect from CPM advertisements. What are some common rates? And what network should we apply for?

Anyways -- this is our first attempt into the world of web development.. so fire away =]!

-- Dan

(Also as a side note; www .wowitemcreator.com is just a small side project of our main project which is under construction: www.usuckatwow.com, a WOW humor related site)

I think your site is going to work out well. That world of warcraft is huuuuuge right now and I could see the players interested in making unique items to post on forums and whatnot. Kudos on the idea.
Haha that's an awesome idea.

I would be more clear on the home page as to what the site actually does. If I hadn't read your post I might not have figured it out.
Thanks for the comments so far.

JDA: totally bookmarked that site; we'll send them a press release when we are ready for launch.

Thanks for the comment sknydave.

Chriss: hmm good point; I think we'll put some more time into the top left logo. Maybe moving the fake item picture in the top left column over to the header in some way or another.

Here is a link to test/concept item creator. We are working on usability right now and then we'll be reviewing the code (Making sure its sound in most browsers and such). www.yousuckatwow.com/test.html Should work in IE6 FF1.5 and Safari 2.0 -- Requires Javascript and Flash 8 enabled
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