1st Newbie Advice Post


This is going to hurt
Apr 14, 2012
I'm not quite at that 1000 post threshold which would merit my collective experience be laid bare in the hope of an admin pushing my acquired wisdom into the enlightened section.

Nor am I posting anything original, I read this sage like advice on another members post about 7-8 month ago (in the enlightened section) and dismissed it.

As I type this I am faced with the not to pleasant prospect of a visit to hospital tomorrow due to what I can only describe as a sensation akin to having a painful puss filled golf ball wedged in between by ass cheeks.

Commonly referred to as a "pylonidal cyst" or "Jeep drivers bum." This little medical wonder occurs as a result of sitting for long periods on a hard surface. I was in-fact informed earlier on skype this delightful condition is also known as "SEO ASS" - go figure

So here's my advice - the moment you can afford one, get a good office chair and save yourself having to endure minor surgery. Being the peasant I am I bought a $125 p.o.s. from IKEA.

If you're getting into the IM game you're going to be sat at your desk for hours on end. Pickup a Aeron or something better. Currently I've lost 3 days of productivity and am dosed up on antibiotics / pain killers not looking forward to what the morning will bring.


I was going to pay the electric bill on time for once and buy something other than white bread, peanut butter, and grape jelly at the store.

But now I plan on spending my last $650 dollars on an epic office chair that spins and has hydraulics and shit. fuck im excited.
I'm not quite at that 1000 post threshold which would merit my collective experience be laid bare in the hope of an admin pushing my acquired wisdom into the enlightened section.

Nor am I posting anything original, I read this sage like advice on another members post about 7-8 month ago (in the enlightened section) and dismissed it.

As I type this I am faced with the not to pleasant prospect of a visit to hospital tomorrow due to what I can only describe as a sensation akin to having a painful puss filled golf ball wedged in between by ass cheeks.

Commonly referred to as a "pylonidal cyst" or "Jeep drivers bum." This little medical wonder occurs as a result of sitting for long periods on a hard surface. I was in-fact informed earlier on skype this delightful condition is also known as "SEO ASS" - go figure

So here's my advice - the moment you can afford one, get a good office chair and save yourself having to endure minor surgery. Being the peasant I am I bought a $125 p.o.s. from IKEA.

If you're getting into the IM game you're going to be sat at your desk for hours on end. Pickup a Aeron or something better. Currently I've lost 3 days of productivity and am dosed up on antibiotics / pain killers not looking forward to what the morning will bring.

Was it that fucking Markus chair I was thinking about it and bailed last second.

I was going to pay the electric bill on time for once and buy something other than white bread, peanut butter, and grape jelly at the store.

But now I plan on spending my last $650 dollars on an epic office chair that spins and has hydraulics and shit. fuck im excited.

let me find some affiliate links for Amazon. (j/k). i saw some on ebay at 1/3 the price
you can also buy a gel foam seat cushion which I found to be useful.

or get the fuck out of the house for 30 minutes and exercise. Get that blood rushing for once. It'll help your mental state of being too
you can also buy a gel foam seat cushion which I found to be useful.

or get the fuck out of the house for 30 minutes and exercise. Get that blood rushing for once. It'll help your mental state of being too

Mental state is good.
Finances now amazing.
Health needs to be worked on next.
I'm not quite at that 1000 post threshold which would merit my collective experience be laid bare in the hope of an admin pushing my acquired wisdom into the enlightened section.

Nor am I posting anything original, I read this sage like advice on another members post about 7-8 month ago (in the enlightened section) and dismissed it.

As I type this I am faced with the not to pleasant prospect of a visit to hospital tomorrow due to what I can only describe as a sensation akin to having a painful puss filled golf ball wedged in between by ass cheeks.

Commonly referred to as a "pylonidal cyst" or "Jeep drivers bum." This little medical wonder occurs as a result of sitting for long periods on a hard surface. I was in-fact informed earlier on skype this delightful condition is also known as "SEO ASS" - go figure

So here's my advice - the moment you can afford one, get a good office chair and save yourself having to endure minor surgery. Being the peasant I am I bought a $125 p.o.s. from IKEA.

If you're getting into the IM game you're going to be sat at your desk for hours on end. Pickup a Aeron or something better. Currently I've lost 3 days of productivity and am dosed up on antibiotics / pain killers not looking forward to what the morning will bring.

I wish we had more earnest posts like this. I've never had this issue, but god knows I've fucked my eyes not being in the right light and sitting too far, and whatever.

With that said, why don't we actually make a discussion of this while we're here--

Could anyone recommend a good chair (throw your aff link I'll make you some bucks if I decide to do it) and equally explain how specifically a good chair (assuming a 600~2k Aeron) is going to help? Is it not possible to have good posture in a $100 chair, or is this not about posture but more about the cushioning on your ass, or what?

I've been fortunate enough to have great genes that let me be lazy, but age will catch up with me, so I guess I might as well take your advice and run with it.