1st Facebook Page - Suggestions


New member
Aug 24, 2011
Western Australia
Personally, I'm not a complete noob however I have been a bit slow on the whole Facebook page thing. I've one new site in particular, an affiliate site, a month old - found it recently in Page rank #1 using half of the domain name. It's seeing a trickle of traffic and made it's 1st sale before I had really finished publishing all the pages.

But I'm thinking Fb page for this site and have little idea of how to kickstart it. Are there any old hands who want to weigh in on this?

Not entirely keen on buying likes, I want it to look natural. There must be ways to work around the problem but this site has been shi!!ing me for the past fortnight, I just can't see it clearly.

Content is the key to keeping people on your page and getting those people to get there friends to like your page. Start small get your friends to like and get there friends to. Make sure you add content regularly and not just garbage. Create a twitter account as well and do the same thing. just keep following people related or that are interested in your Niche. Then when you post things to your fan page you can tweet it out as well.
Yeah...Twitter...even LESS experience. Lol. I use them both under my own personal profile, but not really for moving traffic. (I've been hiding under a rock for some reason). So I need to use the fan page much like a blog then - fresh, targeted info on a regular basis. Got it. Use Fb as the page and drop comments everywhere I go??

Anyone know if we have a syndication type of thread here, or do we need to start one?
I have a fanpage too and I just have to say 'Content is king'!

For a fast startup you have to do a lot of promotion stuff for your site!
Or the other way is buying traffic.

For my FB & Twitter I'll spend an afternoon writing little useful content tidbits - tips, suggestions, links to interesting articles relating to the niche, retweets I like from related authors, etc. Then I'll set up a feed in Socialoomph & let it run on autopilot. Then hop on Socialoomph at a set time each day & look for any replies back or reposts you're getting. Reply to those.

Couple this with a friend/follower building tactic (software like TweetAttacks is good for automating this).

Social networks are all about frequent content, useful of course. And interaction is key! You want to create an active community! Be consistent in your efforts too and it will surprise you just how much traffic these social networks drive.
I use FB and Twitter to move traffic. To just get started on your FB page you can always use your main page to promote it, and tell your friends to check it out and like it. Then have people you know re-post your status on their pages. Then make sure to be active on them while treating them like a blog with a bunch on great content. Content that keeps them interested brings repeated traffic. You can build your Twitter with targeted followers, then post about your like page. You could say do like my page and I'll give you a personal shout out, or whatever comes to mind.