1st Boston Affiliate Meetup202 on May 5th


AM @Pingo.com $15-35CPA
Feb 11, 2009
Join us at the 1st Boston Affiliate Meetup202 on May 5th

I'm the co-organizer with affiliate Brian Evans, who was recently featured on PCC.BZ for his homeless AB testing sign experiment

Our guest speaker will be Rob Craven who's bio mentions "true experience in being a multi-million dollar affiliate, advertiser and network owner"

We've got 82 people signed up to the meetup with 29 RSVP's to the event page so far. Any WF peeps that live in the New England area?

sweet, nice to see some bean town WF affiliates.

@070707 will catch yah at the next event then in June.

@Nonsenseeffect I'm also the organizer for BostonSEo_Org thats next SEO event is on May 24th & in June
Hmm...heading to Orlando next week. If I make it back before the 5th, I'd definitely go.

Nice NoobUp202

Tracking202 folks suggested doing an optional noob intro discussion. So we're doing that for the first hour for the early birds. Then a networking break & guest speaker to discuss some real case study examples & pay per call strategy.

@MRFdot Great you'll make it out. Lets hope your not just a 1 post mystery account. So that WF folks don't think I set up this account just to have one additional confirmed guest

So Nana posted our kinda press release to official announce the 1st event. It provides a bit more detail into the event with the co-organizers bio's.

Apr 29, 2010

RSVP for the 1st Boston Meetup202 Affiliate Marketing Group Event

Get together with affiliate marketers, entrepreneurs, and super affiliates in Boston!

I hope you can all make it.


P.S. Final shameless plug for the event. Check out my 2nd Intro to Affiliate marketing video for the Meetup202 organizer contest.