17 Year old teenager banned from the US for being a meanie to Obama


#1 Handegg Hater
Sep 30, 2007
I don't really get involved in the political threads 'cos I think it's all bullshit. But this article is pretty retarded so I thought I'd post.

A teenager from Bedfordshire has been banned from entering the United States for life for sending a "threatening" e-mail to the White House.

Luke Angel, 17, of Silsoe, was investigated after he expressed his dislike of President Barack Obama and the US Government.
I don't know what was in the letter but I'm guessing he didn't directly threaten his life, but more call him a cunt for being a cunt.

BBC News - Obama e-mail teenager gets US ban

He told police he could not remember exactly what he had written in the e-mail.

No Sent-box in his E-mail, eh?

You know, if this is true, then you could get some people you didn't like barred from entering into the USA by just sending "threatening" letters under their name.

I imagine it'd really piss some CEOs off if their secretary went into their office and did that while they were out to lunch. That'll show him for forcing you to sleep with him for a promotion.
Surprising to hear this news.
It dosnt make any sense since there are many people who like or dislike.
Deep down I want to believe that he actually said something that could be interpreted as a threat. Even if you're blatantly joking, threatening to kill the president really is never a laughing matter. Mainly because in the seldom event that person DOES act on their threat, no one will be laughing.

Unfortunately, what I fear is that he didn't make any direct threat. That being said, this really is disappointing to hear.
I wonder if everyone in this thread would feel the same if the kid was named Mohammed Hadid Ashish instead of Luke Angel. ;)
I think the FBI made the right decision if it cuts down on people creating emails to the president that waste time and serve no purpose other than to force the FBI to respond. The guy even said he wasn't that upset about being banned from the US, just his parents were.