$15M Bankaholic Deal - Come Ask Wu How He Did It!


Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Just giving everyone a heads up that Ed will be interviewing John W about his $15 million sale of Bankaholic blog (built with Wordpress nonetheless!) on the domaining blog Ozdomainer.com

Ed is very well respected in the industry for his great interviews and if you haven't you should check out some of his podcasts which have consisted of some of the best names in the business - Rick Schwartz, Rick Latona, Zappy Zapolin of InternetRealEstate.com and a few others just to name a few.

I won't let the cat out of the bag but he told me personally that someone you guys ABSOLUTELY DON'T WANT TO MISS - think $XXX,XXX,XXX figures - is also in the works and that is also going to be a rare treat.

If you have any questions you'd like to ask Wu or Ed, you can email him at
ed(@)ozdomainer.com. Also, if you are interested in int'l domaining, esp. the cctld market, his is a great resource - you can check out his coverage of the first T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference this year in Amsterdam....

Lastly, I don't have any business interest in his blog ownership wise, just giving a heads up on this outstanding opportunity to share knowledge and info.

So check it out!


Consider it done. For sure ill check it out.

I love that story about that website.

...Awesome! You should check out the podcast with the Costello Brothers. God, how much longer do we have before people really realize what's going on?

They tell a story about how they were completed dropped from google AND yahoo and you know what? Their traffic only went down by 8%. Some 30-60% of their traffic is all direct navigation!

Can you effing believe that?

I am curious to hear if Wu actually started out like the CreditCardsGuide.com to rank himself for top terms...anyway forward along questions and check it out - PM if you want some info on the other guests you will not want to miss them either.

All the best,
How did he do it?

Bought a shit ton of links and developed sponsored blog themes with keywords like "credit cards" and "interest rates".
How did he do it?

Bought a shit ton of links and developed sponsored blog themes with keywords like "credit cards" and "interest rates".

Yeah, I remember doing a backlink check on his site at the time and wondering why anyone would pay so much when his rankings were basically the result of everything google says not to do.

Maybe that's naive, but seemed to me he was only a spam report away from losing some pretty good rankings.