100% Unique. $0.60/100 words (US Native) and $1/100 words. Great Value.

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Selling Shovels To Miners
May 5, 2011
Rating - 100%
12   0   0
Reviews in previous thread.

We are not certain how long this offer will be available. We have access to native US writers that are willing to produce very simple/basic content at $0.60 / 100 words. If you are interested. Order now.

$0.60/100 words. - minimum order 1000 words. (can be broken down into smaller words per article) Sample Below
  1. General information regarding a keyword/topic. Minimal research.
  2. Copyscape 100% unique*.
  3. Proper grammar and usage.
  4. The low price is available for items that do not need to be researched more than a quick overview/review of either materials and/or links you provide, or information readily available online.
  5. This is great for anything you need to be “better than spun” yet not a money site homepage. Works great for foundation articles for first tier Web 2.0 posting, unique content to fix “thin” sites, mass article distribution, etc.
  6. It is true that you get what you pay for, but you will be pleasantly surprised at the overall value.

$1/100 words.

  1. This is quality content. There is no comparison to the above.
  2. Copyscape 100% unique*.
  3. The value of this content is that it will be much better than what you normally receive at this price point.
  4. No one can provide perfect magazine quality content at this price. What you will receive is content that will satisfy the majority of readers.

Coming Soon. We are currently negotiating with a writer that can provide $2.50/100words LSI/LSA/SA Integrated content. If you wish to volunteer to assist us in this development send me a PM. The assistance would mean free content for you in return for your solid advice/assistance in our develop of a superior product. This offer is extended to any member that has a solid reputation on WF and one that is highly respected for their knowledge.

Delivery Time. Everything is delivered in 1-3 days.

– Paypal.

We strive to meet the needs of every client. If you are ever dissatisfied with an article we will try to work with you to make things right. Our promise is that you will receive content that is a great value for the price paid.

We Cannot Take Orders For:
Adult Topics.
Anything stupid, racist, inflammatory, or otherwise in bad taste.
Sales copy. Unfortunately, sales copy takes a unique skill set that we cannot offer.

If you want us to write to a specific flow, tense, or narrative please specify with order.

I will spend the nickel and run the article through CopyScape. I will shoot for 100% unique. But there are some topics that are technical or specific to the point where there are words/phrases/definitions that will make the article less than perfectly unique. Under these circumstances we will make it as unique as possible.

Writing Samples

$0.60 / 100 words content. General overviews only. Limited Research.

$0.60 Sample #1 – Non Performing Notes

What really is a non performing note anyway? To discuss this we need to break it down. A note is the document you sign when you agree to a loan. When you do not make your payments then the note becomes non-performing. The opposite of this is a performing note, where the you, the borrower, is making the payments as agreed. Non performing notes can be loan agreements that were made for many different things. These include, vehicle loans.........

$0.60 Sample #2 - Diet Product

This is an amazing diet product. I cannot believe how the people giving testimonials have lost so much weight and so quickly. Apparently the ingredients in this weight loss pill are a natural derivative of what was originally, a prescription strength weight loss drug that was given by Doctors. This natural derivation from the original is great because it is safe, effective, and because it is natural, it does not have harmful side effects. I read one testimonial where a guy had lost so much weight he and his wife both could fit into a pair of pants he used to wear himself. That is incredible. The fat burning ingredients in these pills are also boosted with a special blend of ginseng, vitamin C and vitamin A. This combination helps with the overall effectiveness of this incredible pill.

$1 / 100 words content.

$1 Sample #1 – Non Performing Notes

The term “note” in lending transactions is the short way of referring to a “promissory note”. A promissory note is a legal agreement between individuals where the signor or maker of the note promises to pay money in a way that is specifically identified within the note. A performing note is one where the maker is acting in a way that is consistent with the terms specified. A non performing note is where the maker is not complying with the specific terms of the note. In other words, a performing note is a note where the borrower is making the payments and a non performing note is one where the borrower is not making the payments.

$1 Sample #2 – Diet Product

This new diet product is a powerful combination of ingredients that were previously only available by prescription. The prescription product, as with many chemical medications, was derived from the processing of natural ingredients in a chemical laboratory. The natural ingredients are concentrated, added to other chemicals, and then made into what is considered a pharmaceutical grade drug. This drug is then made available only through a prescription. Fortunately, the ability to isolate and concentrate natural ingredients without extra chemicals has been perfected. The result is an all natural side effect free way of accessing......

One last thing for those of you that are super critical. The name PieceWork is not because I am doing "PeaceWork" it is because I am doing "PieceWork". This is a common way of referring to being paid by the "piece" or for a specific amount of "completed work".

Just finished a set of orders from my previous thread. This thread has no public life but only replies/orders via PM. We still have unused capacity.

If you need a reliable writer. Give us a shot.
Just received quality articles from PieceWork. Best I've had at this price. Am about to order my second batch. Thank you
I would like to order an original article, no matter about what it will be, it should draw the reader to our site
the number of symbols should be ~2000
please write me jannet_40@yahoo.com

email sent.

Hi! Is PR4 blog posting offer still possible? I need one... or two ;)

And also I need a few 1$ articles. PM me please. I'm newbe here and can't post you p.messages.

PR4 blog post is and will be available for at least the next week or two.
pm sent.
Piecework has done some writing for me and I've got to say (reluctantly because he might get too busy), he's in the top 3 writers here on WF. If you haven't given him a shot, you won't be disappointed. The value and cost are hard to beat.
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