100+ sites question and linking question

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New member
Aug 13, 2006
Do people with 100+ sites actually have a domain for each one? Is it a good thing to have one for each?

also, I've been reading jon's blog and he always mentions to get links. Where exactly can you exchange links with people on the specific niche?

Two questions! :)
1. Sometimes - some people put them all on the one domain; others think this is too risky (if the engines ban it you've lost *everything*). I tend to have a central domain I try out ideas on and then they get spun out to their own domain when they have 'earned' it.

2. Steps:
a) find sites in the niche in question (often this is the hard part)
b) contact the site owner to ask for a link (although some peopple find this the hard part ;))

Well, yes thats true - but at the same time, 100 or more domains is a lot to keep track of and make sure they are all paid up, that all the hosting is working, etc!
Some people find that difficult, and don't know what the best software to manage such things is!
Indeed, and most of the time it will go fine.
But you don't keep an eye out to check they are indeed renewed when they should be?
That none have been fraudulently transferred away?
The more domains you have the bigger an overhead it becomes - I'm not talking when you have 10 or 20, thats just a tedious management issue.
But when you start having 100s of domains, you have to ask if some of them arent similar enough in theme that they can be combined, thus increasing the PR and decreasing the overhead, with the added bonus of reducing the overheads of managing the domains.
But it all comes down to the routines - I'm sure some of us are better than others at organising the little details of keeping on eye on these things :)

(What a tendencious way for me to start on a forum! Quite out of character! <g>)
Valid points, Lea, I'd say it's a nice start ;)

This one thing intrigues me, though - have you ever had your domain fraudulently transferred away...?
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