100% [not provided] Analytics


New member
May 19, 2013
So, I got a call from a client today apparently they are getting [not provided] 100% since last Tuesday.

Anyone else seeing this? It's as if Google is sending even non-logged in users through https.


Okay, I didn't follow SEO news for the last few weeks completely missed this. Whoops. Delete this

he should do ppc to see his analytics.

I love how they are saying it is because of the NSA bullshit. Thats pro level lieing right there.

Is Matt Cutts a sociopath?
I can't believe no-one has called them out on this. Post-prism privacy? All it takes is one subpoena and they'll release anything to the NSA.

Encryption and referral data doesn't matter when you've got a government issuing warrants to seize data.
Yeah - I'm fairly certain that the NSA are that interested in (above all else) referrer information and search terms used to get there etc...