100% Clean IPv4 ARIN & RIPE - Buying, Selling, Leasing. No IPJ Required.

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Toes & Tequila
Jan 1, 2010
Rating - 100%
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If you are thinking of selling your IPv4 allocations, please contact us with your asking price. Ideally we prefer that the allocation come with the ASN, where you are selling all assets, for a clean transfer versus being one of many allocations assigned to a larger ASN and having to deal with a more complicated deal at the RIR. However, all reasonable offers will be considered if price and terms are right.

We have some allocations for sale we are selling off to the right buyer. Feel free to contact me with your needs and offers.

If you're looking for 100% clean (or used) ip space in a /24 and higher allocations, we can fill almost any kind of order, including IPv4 and mixed subnet SEO/VPN/proxy clients. All of our clean ip space has a minimum term commitment to prevent churn and burn problematic clients or sign ups. We offer both straight and mixed allocations in IPv4. The straight allocations will have port25 open while our mixed subnet allocations, many used by seo clients, have port 25 blocked by default. We focus on long term relationships only with clients, resellers, and ISPs in need of additional ip resources. We can pre-test all of our allocations in-house, so there will be no additional allowed by end user. We have ips in many different locations and countries, depending on your needs for ip diversity. We also can reset IP's if needed on cloudmark blocked allocations for those looking for such things in a few business days.


If you need USED IPv4, we have a lot of it both short and long term lease or outright sale. If you need 100% clean and cloudmark free IPv4, we have that as well although term commitments may apply. When it comes to IPv4, whether it is for SEO/VPN/Proxy where you need different countries, mixed subnets, or geo location we can do any and all of that for you. Currently we have 5000+ c-class and counting available for non-mailer purposes.


We also have a lot of IPv6 available should you need those as well.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us directly by private message with the details of what you need. Thank you.

If you are looking for mixed subnet allocations and/or need geolocation for SEO/VPN/Proxies, we CAN do things like this:

32 x /29's in Houston/Buffalo/Los Angeles type of requests on a single server for a /24 and higher allocations (port25 would be closed).

This can be done for individual cities or countries around the world. We do not require IPJ. We can also rotate IP's every XX number of days.

Please contact us direct with your specific needs and purpose.
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