10 Trucks Theory

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New member
Jan 6, 2007
I personally have done decently well in the domain industry, but I'd like to accelerate things. The only way to accelerate things I believe, is forming great teams. Focusing on single domains..,.

I'm trying to form a team of a few people. Take one of my domains or we buy one, and build the domain into something that can sell for 6-7digit figure.

There is this 10 trucks story which I like.

IMAGINE there are 10 trucks. NONE of them have the power to get over a steep hill. Each truck has a driver and a helper. You see 10 trucks with drivers and you see 10 trucks with a guy behind it doing everything he can to push the truck over the crest. ALL are failing.

The thing they don’t understand is that they have the power and resources right there to change their destiny.

What if you took 9 of the 10 drivers and put them behind just ONE truck and what if you got all the other 10 helpers to also push that one truck? Well you would get the result they all wanted by cooperating and then they could go right down the line and REPEAT the process and formula and push all the other 9 trucks until they are all rolling again.

IMAGINE…..10 domainers with like minds get together. Their mission is each month, develop one domain name owned by one of the other members of the group and built by all other members as they donate a little time and talent and knowledge to the effort. We all have great land and nails and wood and brick and cement in our arsenal. Together we can build houses. Alone we may build frustration and feel like those truckers until they figure it out.

This leads to other things and I could see dozens of groups like this pulling this off. One domain at a time and success after success after success.

Therefore, if anyone interested ... let me know.

Karl, it has worked for me in the past. It all depends how you structure things. I proposed the above, as I want to accelerate things faster. If you take into consideration this Truck Theory, then you can accelerate your business at a very rapid pace.
In theory this stuff works, however once you bring it to the real world it doesn't.

Partnerships between two people never work, never mind more than two people.

A big part of it is trust. If you can build a trusting partnership, you can have a very successful project and everyone wins.

Marco: PM me. I might be interested. I have a fairly small portfolio of about 300 domains (I'm just getting started). I love the concept of building one up and selling it off for 6x to 7x the original expectation. I think what will really work with this project is on the brokering end. I definitely see more reach and visibility coming as everyone works to broker a single name.
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