10 Reasons Why Wicked Fire is better than Earners Forum

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Call me Andy
Jun 27, 2006
Washinton D.C.
  1. Wicked Fire Doesn't Look Like Sitepoint.
  2. WF Doesn't Have for "Premium Membership".
  3. Wicked Fire Doesn't Merge with Other Forums to Add Content.
  4. Wicked Fire hasn't tried to sell credits to sell stuff on it.
  5. Wicked Fire Doesn't Claim that MySpace Traffic is Immoral yet Open a Section for it.
  6. Wicked Fire has boobies.
  7. WF Doesn't Put Adsense On It as If We Were Stupid and Would Click.
  8. WF has more boobies.
  9. WF has more posts even though they didn't merge with another forum.
  10. Wicked Fire members actually post content that will help you out.
I got bored so I decided to rant.


earners forum just isn't very popular anymore. i thought it was kind of neat when it first started with the tags and all, this is something that the other forums hadnt done. but I like it here because you get good quality posts from Jon... I hardly ever see Lee posting over there with more than a one or two sentence answer. I dont think he gives earnersforum enough of his attention.
Earners Forum has really been flawed from the start. It never took off because of having good content or knowledgeable members, it took off because they had that contest when it first opened and basically tried to bribe people to join, the problem is that the only people that joined were people who were new to affiliate marketing and making money online in general because anyone who had any bit of experience looked past the marketing stunt.
Never bothered with Earner's Forum, and after this post I don't think I will! It takes up enough of my time following a couple of forums and a handful of blogs!
Fucking hypocrite

Posted By ltn1dr

Wicked Fire Forum sucks.
I was trying to sort of compress this rant, but now I can’t any longer. I haven’t seen a more worseless organized webmaster forum. Its basically the exact opposite of Earners Forum. EF is nice, organized, structured, light-colored, with quality posts and posters, and WF is the exact opposite.
Not only that, Jon’s contest was a total fiasco. I think his contests ended over a month ago, and I was one of the winners because I referred 30 members. I have yet to receive a PM from him with at least the download link for a script which he described as a “uniquely made site by his team”.
Then, to top it off, he prohibited me to basically post a link to my blog on WF because he thought I was making threads 100% only for self-promotion and stuff.
Oh well, EF is 100% better, and I think the key characteristic that makes me like it so much is the whole money deal. I feel like working harder just to be like a blue money bar lol. The forum is really well organized, and the posters are really friendly. Oh, and of course, Lee already found the contest winners only after 5 days of it being over. Lee has also replied to the majority of my IMs, if not all, while Jon has never replied to any form of correspondance from me.
Oh, I quit Sitepoint too, its a waste of time now. Charging for Trade Your Services was the icing on the cake for me. 33% of the dollar they’re charging goes to Paypal, I think they’re charging people just to bother. SP now serves only one purpose on my bookmarks list - easiest way to sell stuff.
Nothing’s really new with the network, trying to see how the redesign of Text For Free is doing monetarily.
- Andy Rouhafzai
Haha, yeah nice find, Ben. I remember him making a post like that so I found it funny he has really changed his tune.
Yeah, I remember reading that post too actually.

Everyone is entitled to change their mind but it's hard to value the opinions of someone who has such an apparently big change of thought without reason.

Care to offer an explanation?
Yeah, I remember reading that post too actually.

Everyone is entitled to change their mind but it's hard to value the opinions of someone who has such an apparently big change of thought without reason.

Care to offer an explanation?

Sure I can explain.

I admit to posting what Ben posted, and without wanting to start much drama, I posted an apology for saying that back in December. I was even banned from WF for awhile, but after talking and apologizing to Jon he unbanend me and let me back in.

I've done a full 360 degree turn from my frolicking with the fake earners in EF, and if that makes me a hypocrite, so be it, but I haven't posted in EF in ages.

Anyways, I posted what Ben brought back up almost a year ago, I've come a longggggggg way since then.

Edit: I thought you all knew I used to despise WF, and I coined the term "worseless", lol.
I used to like Earners Forum, but thats just cos I won $1000 in the Azoogle contest, lol. After that it definitely went downhill though, and I don't even bother checking it out anymore.
  1. Wicked Fire Doesn't Look Like Sitepoint.
  2. WF Doesn't Have for "Premium Membership".
  3. Wicked Fire Doesn't Merge with Other Forums to Add Content.
  4. Wicked Fire hasn't tried to sell credits to sell stuff on it.
  5. Wicked Fire Doesn't Claim that MySpace Traffic is Immoral yet Open a Section for it.
  6. Wicked Fire has boobies.
  7. WF Doesn't Put Adsense On It as If We Were Stupid and Would Click.
  8. WF has more boobies.
  9. WF has more posts even though they didn't merge with another forum.
  10. Wicked Fire members actually post content that will help you out.
I got bored so I decided to rant.


  1. Yeah, this will never happen. But the colors, tone and design were influenced by other forums, so I can't take originality for it. Although the color scheme is ours.
  2. We do have a premium membership, but the difference is that ours is free, and based on user activity and contributions of information to the forum.
  3. Nope, we don't, but we will most likely be acquiring a few over the next year or two, not sure if we will add or merge content though, that may pose some issues that I would never want to deal with.
  4. Right! We'll be offering a much more robust sales area, but will keep it free for everyone. I know we could make bank on it, but our goal from the beginning was to keep it ad revenue driven, and that's just the way it's going to stay.
  5. Traffic is traffic. If it's "immoral" or "unethical" to most, then you can bet it's fine here. Although email spam is not something I'm fond of, I won't object to you doing it because it's your choice, not mine.
  6. Yes, boob pics rock!
  7. We are going to be adding Adsense & YPN ads, but only as a profit sharing option for forum members in the loyalty area, and also as an incentive for content contributions. You'll see what I mean soon. But we will never put our own code in there, just yours so you guys make money, not us.
  8. We need more boob pics.. can never get enough!
  9. Wasn't this covered already? But yeah, we have done our fair share of postwhore contests to increase the level of posts, but also as an excuse to give cash and prizes away when things got dull.
  10. This is the best point, and quite possibly the backbone behind why I get so many emails and IM's from people constantly telling me the forum is great, and that they are so happy a place like this exists, only to let me answer and say it's not me who can take credit, it's you guys, the members who are here day in and day out making this place fucking fun and informative. I'm just here as a volunteer to keep things running smoothly and trying to get more people to be active. Damn lurkers! Join and post already! Over 800,000 uniques a month, and not even 10% of you fucking lurkers join! We'll be doing something about this soon.
Nice one Jon :bowdown:

Can we just forgive ltn1dr...He made mistake before but then it was a year ago.... I'm sure he mean it when he said he's changed...
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